
Updates an existing entity/entities with new/modified data.


*setvalue entity_type <select_type>=<selection> <name1>=<value1> ?<name2>=<value2>? ... ?<nameN>=<valueN>? ?row=<row_index>? ?column=<column_index>? ?STATUS=<status>?


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


Updates an existing entity/entities with new/modified data. Data names and attributes are both allowed to be modified, assuming the proper card image is also assigned.


The type of entity to modify.
The entity or entities that are to be modified. There are several ways to provide the entities to be modified. Only one option can be used at a time:
The ID of the single entity to modify.
The name of the single entity to modify.
The ID of the mark containing the entities to modify.
The ID of the list containing the entities to modify.
user_ids={<id1> <id2> ... <idN>}
The IDs of one or more entities to modify.
user_names={<name1> <name2> ... <nameN>}
The names of one or more entities to modify.
The name=value data name and/or attribute pairs that define the relevant data for the entity. For attributes, this can be either the attribute name or ID.
For entity attributes, both the entity type and the entity IDs must be provided. For example:
*setvalue elements id=7 3222={elems 3}
row=<row_index> (optional)
Thel row index for a 1D or 2D array. For 1D array, it sets the single value at the specified index. For a 2D array, it must be used together with column_index. This is mandatory for string arrays. For example, to update a string array of size 2:
column=<column_index> (optional)
Column index for a 2D array. Used together with row_index, it sets the value at the specified row_index and column_index.
This sets an attribute status value. Valid values are 0, 1 or 2. Notice that STATUS must be capitalized.


Update the node IDs in a set named node_set:

*setvalue sets name=node_set ids={nodes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8}

Update the name of entity set with ID 1:

*setvalue sets id=1 name=new_setnodes

Update the attribute Rho of material ID 1 along with Status to value 1:

*setvalue mats id=1 Rho=1.1 STATUS=1


*setvalue mats id=1 183=1.1 STATUS=1

Update materialid to 2 for components on mark 1:

*setvalue comps mark=1 materialid=2

Update node1 to 2 for elements 1 and 2 on list 1:

*setvalue elems list=1 node1=2

Update materialid to 2 for components with IDs 1 and 2:

*setvalue comps user_ids={1 2} materialid=2

Update materialid to 2 for components with names "mid" and "center":

*setvalue comps user_names={mid center} materialid=2


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
