Creates spring elements between selected coincident nodes.
*create_springs entity_type ?option1=<value1>? ?option2=<value2>? ... ?optionN=<valueN>?
HyperMesh Tcl Modify
Creates spring elements between selected coincident nodes.
<option>=<value> options can be provided in any order.
- entity_type
- The type of input entity. Must be set to nodes.
- DestinationComp =<value>
- The components to which spring elements will be stored. This is a required option.
- EntityMark=<value>
- The ID of the mark containing the nodes. Valid values are 1 and 2.
- Property=<value>
- The property ID to be assigned to the spring elements.
- PropertyMode=<value>
- The properties to be assigned to the spring elements. This is a required option.
- System=<value>
- The system ID to be assigned to the spring elements.
- Tolerance=<value>
- The tolerance to consider coincident nodes.
To create spring elements between selected coincident nodes:
*createmark nodes 1 3-1000
*create_springs nodes EntityMark=1 Tolerance=0.1 DestinationComp=1 PropertyMode=1 Property=8
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
# Handle error
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