
Create a new entity with specified data.


*createentity entity_type ?name1=value1? ?name2=value2? ... ?name3=valueN?


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


Create a new entity with specified data. Data names only are allowed to be set.

There are also a few limitations to this command:
  • Attributes are not supported.
  • STATUS is not supported.


Entity type to create.
The name=value data name and/or attribute pairs that define the relevant data for the entity. For attributes, this can be either the attribute name or ID.
For entity attributes, both the entity type and the entity IDs must be provided. For example:
*setvalue elements id=7 3222={elems 3}


Create a set with a default set type and name.
*createentity sets
Create a set of type nodes and node IDs 1-4:
*createentity sets type=nodes ids={1 2 3 4}
Create a set with name set1, cardimage GRNOD:
*createentity sets name=set1 cardimage=GRNOD


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
