Extends, connects and optionally remeshes source 2D elements to target 2D elements.
*extend_elements mark_id_source entity_type_target mark_id_target ?options?
HyperMesh Tcl Modify
Extends, connects and optionally remeshes 2D elements onto target 2D elements.
Additionally, this detects whether the elements to be extended intersect the target elements. If they do intersect, small penetrations are also removed during the extension and connection. Such small penetrations are defined as ≥ half of the average element size.
- mark_id_source
- The mark ID containing the source nodes to extend over. Valid values are 1 and 2.
- entity_type_target
- The entity type to use as the target (destination) for the extension. Valid values are components and elements.
- mark_id_target
- The mark ID containing the target entities to extend to. Valid values are 1 and 2.
- options
- Additional strings defining extended parameters/options. Options are defined in "name
value(s)" format. Valid options are:
- projection value
- 0 - Extend along tangent direction (default, if not provided).
- 1 - Project normal to destination.
- 2 - Use direction specified by projection_vector.
- projection_vector x y z
- 3 doubles defining the vector direction. Must be defined, if projection is 2.
- angle value
- The angle used to define feature edges on the mesh. If not defined, 25.0 is used.
- remesh_extension value
- 0 - Do not remesh extension.
- remesh_dest_mode value
- 0 - Do not remesh destination. Destination mesh is stitched to maintain element connectivity.
- 1 - Remesh all input destination elements.
- 2 - Remesh destination elements defined by remesh_dest_layers.
- remesh_dest_layers value
- Must be defined, if remesh_dest_mode is 2.
- 0 - Remesh only the destination elements attached to the extended element edges.
- > 0 - Remesh additional layers in addition to the destination elements attached to the extended element edges.
- mesh_dest_type value
- Automatically detected from input mesh, if not provided.
- 0 - tria
- 1 - quad
- 2 - mixed
- 3 - R-tria
- 4 - quad only
- mesh_dest_size value
- Automatically detected from input mesh, if not provided.
*createmark nodes 1 704-734
*createmark elements 2 381-605
*extend_elements 1 elements 2 "projection 0 angle 30.000000 remesh_extension 1 remesh_dest_mode 2 remesh_dest_layers 2"
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
# Handle error
Version History