
Updates a constraint which fixes the x (or radial), y (or theta), and/or z degrees of freedom for the selected nodes for a given system.


*morphconstraintupdatedof entity_type mark_id dof1 dof2 dof3 system_id options id color


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


This command creates a constraint which fixes one or more translational degrees of freedom for the selected nodes relative to either the global coordinate system or a specified local coordinate system.

A degree of freedom for a coordinate system is one of the three translational directions. For a rectangular coordinate system the three degrees of freedom are along each axis: the x-axis, the y-axis, and the z-axis. For a cylindrical coordinate system the three degrees of freedom are in the the radial direction, the theta direction, and the z direction. For example, for a rectangular coordinate system, if the y-axis degree of freedom is fixed for a node, it will be allowed to move only in the x and z directions, remaining in a plane perpendicular to the y axis. Similarly, for a cylindrical coordinate system, if the theta degree of freedom is fixed for a node, it can move only in the radial and z directions. Note that fixing the radial and z degrees of freedom for a cylindrical coordinate system will force a node to move in a circle about the axis of that system.


Must be set to nodes.
The mark ID for the constrained nodes. Valid values are 1 and 2.
0 - Allow the nodes to move in the x (or radial) direction
1 - Constrain the nodes from moving in the x (or radial) direction
0 - Allow the nodes to move in the y (or theta) direction
1 - Constrain the nodes from moving in the y (or theta) direction
0 - Allow the nodes to move in the z direction
1 - Constrain the nodes from moving in the z direction
The ID of the local coordinate system. Use 0 for the global coordinate system.
0 - Does not affect nodes near constrained nodes
1 - Enable mesh stretching around constrained nodes
The ID of morph constraint to update.
The color of the constraint. Valid values are 1-64.


To update a DOF constraint with ID 12 for nodes 1-100 in the radial direction of a local coordinate system with ID 5 and mesh stretching enabled:

*createmark nodes 1 1-100
*morphconstraintcreatedof nodes 1 1 0 0 5 1 12 22


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
