Sets a double connector detail for a single connector.
*CE_DetailSetDouble connector_id detail_name double_value reserved force_storage
HyperMesh Tcl Modify
Sets a double connector detail for a single connector.
- connector_id
- The ID of connector to update.
- detail_name
- The name of the standard double detail, or user-defined double detail, to update.
Standard double details include:
- ce_appliedmass
- The mass value to be applied.
- ce_areaconstthickness
- The constant thickness (for area connectors).
- ce_aspect
- Fail hexas with aspect ratio greater than this value.
- ce_bl_connection_ang
- The maximum angle allowed between two shells for B connection.
- ce_bodylen
- The bolt body length.
- ce_boltmaxdiameter
- The maximum diameter to be considered a bolt hole.
- ce_boltmaxfeatureangle
- The maximum feature angle to identify a solid bolt hole.
- ce_boltmindiameter
- The minimum diameter to be considered a bolt hole.
- ce_boltminfeatureangle
- The minimum feature angle to identify a solid bolt hole.
- ce_boltthread
- The bolt thread length.
- ce_centered_quad_pos_tol
- The quad position tolerance.
- ce_centered_quad_scale_tol
- The quad scale tolerance.
- ce_centered_quad_size_tol
- The quad size tolerance
- ce_centered_quad_translate_tol
- The quad translate tolerance.
- ce_cylinder_diameter
- Define cylinder using this value as diameter.
- ce_cylinder_diameter_factor
- Define the cylinder using this value as a factor.
- ce_dia_factor
- The cylinder bolt diameter factor.
- ce_diameter
- The diameter required by the realization.
- ce_fe_capangle
- The angle between an ending cap element face and shell edge.
- ce_fe_const_height
- The hexa constant thickness.
- ce_fe_depth
- The penta width.
- ce_fe_factor_a
- The hexa thickness, by multiplying this value using the smallest shell thickness.
- ce_fe_factor_b
- The hexa position, by adding this value using the half of the thickness.
- ce_fe_featureangle
- The feature break angle for locating RBE3 nodes.
- ce_fe_hexa_to_washer_offset
- The offset from the hexa boundary to the washer inner diameter.
- ce_fe_height
- The quad position in the vertical direction.
- ce_fe_maint_gaps
- The gap value between a hexa face and a shell.
- ce_fe_offsetangle
- The angle between quad and vertical direction.
- ce_fe_rbe3radius
- The radius defining the circular area for locating RBE3 nodes.
- ce_fe_runoffangle
- The deviating angle of the quad next to an ending cap element.
- ce_fe_tapered_t_angle
- The angle of the tapered T weld.
- ce_fe_tapered_t_d
- The thickness of the tapered T weld.
- ce_fe_tapered_t_h
- The height of the tapered T weld.
- ce_fe_tapered_t_h1
- The height of the tapered T weld.
- ce_fe_tapered_t_h2
- The width of the tapered T weld.
- ce_fe_width
- The penta depth.
- ce_hexa_position_distance
- Move hexa by this distance from default position.
- ce_jacobian
- Fails hexas with Jacobian less than provided value.
- ce_l1
- The cylinder bolt length for L1 direction.
- ce_l1d1
- The cylinder bolt diameter for L1 direction.
- ce_l2
- The cylinder bolt length for L2 direction.
- ce_l2d2
- The cylinder bolt diameter for L2 direction.
- ce_lt_connection_ang
- The minimum angle allowed between two shells for T connection.
- ce_new_diameter
- The diameter value used for punching a new bolt hole during realization.
- ce_no_hole_diameter
- The diameter value when there is no hole during realization.
- ce_normal_angle
- The deviation angle allowed for normal projection.
- ce_offset
- Line connector end offset value.
- ce_quad_size
- The quad size for the quad transition.
- ce_seam_break_len
- The break length before the next weld.
- ce_seam_elem_len
- The hexa element length.
- ce_seam_discontinuity_lower_tol
- The lower bound tolerance allowed by the weld length.
- ce_seam_discontinuity_upper_tol
- The upper bound tolerance allowed by the weld length.
- ce_seam_weld_len
- The weld length before the next break.
- ce_spacing
- The spacing value for a line or seam connector.
- ce_tolerance
- The tolerance value specified during connector FE realization.
- ce_washer_elem_size
- The element size around a bolt hole.
- ce_washer_scale_1
- The 1st washer's width using a scale of bolt radius.
- ce_washer_scale_2
- The 2nd washer's width using a scale of bolt radius.
- ce_washer_width_1
- The 1st washer's width using this value.
- ce_washer_width_2
- The 2nd washer's width using this value.
- double_value
- The double value to update for the detail.
- reserved
- Reserved for future use. Must be set to 0.
- force_storage
- 0 - Do not store user-defined detail.
*CE_DetailSetDouble 1 ce_tolerance 10.0 0 0
*CE_DetailSetDouble 2 "test" 5.0 0 1
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
# Handle error