Attempts to fix quad elements violating warpage criteria threshold.
*elemswarpagefix mark_id criteria_file_path max_move break_mode feature_angle
HyperMesh Tcl Modify
Attempts to fix quad elements violating warpage criteria threshold. If necessary, tries to move nodes normal to surfaces.
- mark_id
- The mark ID containing the quad elements to consider. Valid values are 1 and 2.
- criteria_file_path
- The path to the criteria file. Use "dummy" for using the current criteria, set separately.
- max_move
- The limit for node movement normal to the surface.
- break_mode
- Specifies how node associativity of moved nodes is handled. Valid values are:
- 0 - Associativity is broken for moved nodes.
- 1 - Associativity is broken for all nodes of an element that has a moved node.
- 2 - Asscociativity is not broken.
- feature_angle
- The element feature angle in degrees.
*createmark elems 1 displayed
*elemswarpagefix 1 "C:/my_criteria/criteria.txt" 0.1 2 30.0
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
# Handle error