Split 1D elements using various options.
*split1delements option1=value1 option2=value2 ... optionN=valueN
HyperMesh Tcl Modify
Split 1D elements using various options. Only those 1D elements that have been directly assigned a valid 1D property are split. During split, each newly created element will be assigned a new property. This new property is of same type as the property of the parent element. Parent elements’ attributes like orientation, offset and DOFs are also copied/interpolated to new child elements. It also assigns the same ID to newly created elements and properties so that it is easy to map the element to its property.
This command works only for OptiStruct and Nastran user profiles.
For PBEAM, the new child properties inherit the intermediate stations of the parent property, in case where such station intersects with the new child element.
- PBARL/PBAR - The attributes (stations/stress recovery points) associated to CBARAO are not supported.
- PBEAM – Though the command supports intermediate stations, the beam sections (dimensions) are not interpolated for now. Hence the child properties will interpolate the attributes associated to beam sections from the parent property, but will not create new beam sections.
- PBEAML – It is supported, only if there are no intermediate stations.
- enttype=<entity_type>
- The type of entity to split. Currently only supported for elements.
- mark=<mark_id>
- Thd ID of the mark of 1D elements to be split. Valid values are 1 and 2.
- meshingtype=<type>
- nodespoints - This option requires to specify list of nodes or points, along with reference entity type, to split 1d elements. The elements will split at nodes or points provided in the list. The nodes/points not lying on the input element are also considered and projected on the input element for split, given the condition, such nodes/points are within the tolerance, which is a bounding sphere. The diameter of this sphere is the input element length and its center is the element's centroid.
- delorgelems=<value>
- 0 - Do not delete original input elements
- beamstartid=<id>
- The start ID for newly created 1D elements. If the specified ID already exists, the maximum ID available from elements/properties is considered and incremented by 1 to assign as start ID.
Split 1D elements using uniform option for meshing type, resulting in creating 3 new elements and properties (IDs 300, 301 and 302):
*createmark elements 1 all
*split1delements enttype=elems mark=1 meshingtype=uniform numelems=3 delorgelems=1 beamstartid=300
Split element 100 using nodes 10 and 20, and using nodespoints option for meshing type:
*createmark elements 1 100
*createlist nodes 2 10 20
*split1delements enttype=elems mark=1 meshingtype=nodespoints listid=2 refenttype=nodes delorgelems=1 beamstartid=1000
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
# Handle error
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