
Updates the results of a collision check.


*collisionrecheck_temp entity_type mark_id


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


Updates the results of a collision detection that had been done using *collisioncheck2_temp.

There are some restrictions regarding the collision result entities that are used as input:
  • Only possible for either intersections or penetrations at a time. All provided collision result entities should have the same "config" (otherwise the ones with another config than the first one are ignored).
  • Only possible for one group at a time. All provided collision result entities have to have the same "parent" (otherwise the ones with another parent than the first one are ignored).
  • A "fast recheck" of collision result entities is only implemented for intersections. If penetration result entities are passed to the function, a complete recheck of the given group is performed,

Note that hm_collisionend does not delete any collision result entities. The deletion must be handled using *deletemark.

This command is a temporary command and may be deprecated in a future release.


The type of entity to check. Valid values are groups and collisions.
The ID of the mark containing the entities to recheck. Valid values are 1 and 2.


To recheck all groups for which outdated collision result entities are existing:

*createmark collisions 1 all
set lst_groups ""
foreach coll_id [hm_getmark collisions 1] {
    set isOutdated [hm_getvalue collisions id=$coll_id dataname=outdated]
    if {$isOutdated} {
        lappend lst_groups [hm_getvalue collisions id=$coll_id dataname=parent]
eval *createmark groups 1 $lst_groups;
*collisionrecheck_temp groups 1;


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
