Sets an integer connector detail for a single connector.
*CE_DetailSetInt connector_id detail_name integer_value reserved force_storage
HyperMesh Tcl Modify
Sets an integer connector detail for a single connector.
- connector_id
- The ID of connector to update.
- detail_name
- The name of the standard integer detail, or user-defined integer detail, to update.
Standard integer details include:
- ce_adjust_diameter
- Has different meaning based on ce_hole_option value.
- ce_adjust_hole
- Flag to specify whether to adjust the hole or the realization to make the
connection successful.
- 0 - Adjust realization.
- 1 - Adjust hole position (2D).
- ce_allow_recenter
- Recenter CWELD elements.
- ce_allowadjacent
- Flag to allow adjacent projections.
- ce_appliedmassdis
- Applied mass distribution type.
- ce_areastacksize
- Density for area connector.
- ce_areathicknesstype
- Thickness type for area connector.
- ce_aspect_flag
- Fail hexa seam or area, as per aspect ratio check.
- ce_centered_quad
- Allow centered quad mesh imprint.
- ce_collectorid
- Component ID of the connector entity.
- ce_configval
- FE configuration value of the realized connector.
- ce_connectivity
- FE connectivity.
- 0 - Mesh independent
- 1 - Mesh dependent + remesh
- 2 - Mesh dependent + ensure projection
- 3 - Mesh dependent + quad transition
- 4 - Mesh dependent + projection and find nodes
- 5 - Mesh dependent + find nearest nodes
- ce_cweld_option
- CWELD options.
- 1 - GRIDID
- 2 - ELEMID
- 4 - ELPAT
- 5 - ALIGN
- ce_cweld_suboption
- Sub-options for CWELD. The use/availability of sub-options is dependent on
- 1 - GA-GB
- 2 - GS (face to face)
- 3 - GS (point to face)
- ce_density
- The line or seam density value.
- ce_fefactorreverse
- Vector reverse flag for seam connectors.
- ce_fe_acm_numhexa
- Hexa cluster pattern.
- 1 - 1 hexa
- 4 - 4 hexa
- 8 - 8 hexa
- 12 - 12 hexa
- 16 - 16 hexa
- 32 - 32 hexa
- ce_fe_createcap
- Allow to create cap elements in the begining and end.
- ce_fe_density
- Number of coats of hexas.
- ce_fe_edgesnapping_l
- Tolerance options to determine snapping to edge in L connection.
- 0 - no
- 1 - maximum 1 element row
- 2 - maximum 2 element rows
- ce_fe_edgesnapping_t
- Tolerance options to determine snapping to edge in T connection.
- 0 - no
- 1 - maximum 1 element row
- 2 - maximum 2 element rows
- ce_fe_normal_wt_cal
- Allow to normalize RBE3 weights.
- ce_fe_orthohexa
- Allow to make orthogonal faces for a single hexa.
- ce_fe_proj_hexa_face
- Allow to project hexa faces to shell planes.
- ce_fe_rows
- Number of rows of realization.
- ce_fe_sharpcorner
- Allow a sharp corner during mesh imprint.
- ce_fe_strips
- Number of strips of realization.
- ce_fe_tapered_t_input
- Options to input parameters for tapered T.
- 0 - thickness dependent
- 1 - angle, H and D
- 2 - H1, H2 and D
- ce_fe_thck_flag
- Options to position hexa between shells. This has different meanings under different realization types.
- ce_fesolver
- FE solver number.
- ce_fetype
- Type value for realized connector as defined in feconfig.cfg file.
- ce_fileattribute_opt
- File attribute option.
- 1 - From search file
- 2 - From current model
- 3 - From connector metadata"
- ce_fill_hole
- Allow to fill any 2D bolt holes during realization.
- ce_fill_hole_num
- Number of pie pieces to fill a bolt hole during realization.
- ce_fill_hole_pattern
- Options to what pattern is used to fill a bolt hole during realization.
- -1 - pie pieces preserve
- 0 - pie pieces=
- 1 - 3 quads
- 2 - 4 quads
- 3 - 9 quads
- 4 - 12 quads
- 5 - 16 quads
- 6 - 60 quads
- ce_folderattribute_opt
- Folder attribute option.
- 1 - From search folder
- 2 - From current model
- 3 - From connector metadata"
- ce_forcecollinear
- FE force collinear flag.
- ce_half_spacing
- Half spacing offset flag for seams and lines.
- ce_hexa_position_opt
- Options to determine hexa position related to edge.
- 0 - midpoint
- 1 - offset from edge
- 2 - positive edge
- 3 - negative edge
- ce_hexa_tapered_t_position_opt
- Options to determine hexa position related to edge.
- 0 - connector side
- 1 - positive side
- 2 - negative side
- 3 - element normal
- ce_hexaoffsetcheck
- Consider shell thickness and offset for solid positioning.
- ce_hole_option
- Bolt hole determination options.
- 0 - consider existing hole only.
- 1 - create hole, if none.
- 2 - use hole, if available.
- 3 - fill and remesh hole, if available.
- ce_jacobian_flag
- Fail hexa seam or area, as per Jacobian check.
- ce_layers
- The number of thickness layers.
- ce_link_option
- Link position related to seam connector.
- 0 - closest
- 1 - opposite
- ce_n_node_flag
- Limit the number of nodes per layer.
- ce_nonnormal
- Allow non-normal projections.
- ce_num_nodes_per_layer
- The number of nodes per layer.
- ce_pass_through_ce
- Force weld going through connector position.
- ce_penta_fit_option
- Options to fit penta between shells.
- 1 - fitted
- 2 - equilateral
- 3 - equilateral/fitted
- ce_penta_right_angled
- Allow to create right-angled pentas.
- ce_penta_side_option
- Options to the side(s) of penta location.
- 1 - positive side
- 2 - negative side
- 3 - both sides
- ce_property_option
- Property assignment options.
- 0 - no property
- 1 - select property
- ce_propertyid
- FE property ID.
- ce_realizeto
- Organize realization results options.
- 0 - elems to current comp
- 1 - elems to connector comp
- ce_remesh
- Mesh dependent flag.
- ce_seam_discontinuity
- Allow to create discontinuous hexas.
- ce_snaptonode
- FE snap to node flag.
- ce_spot_rbe_radius_option
- Allow to define a circle area to locate nodes for RBE3s.
- ce_state
- Connector entity state.
- ce_style
- Connector style.
- ce_systems
- FE build system flag.
- ce_trimsurfeachside
- Trim surfaces on each side flag for area connector.
- ce_usercontrol
- User control flag.
- ce_washer_elems
- Number of elements of washers.
- ce_washer_elems_num
- Number of elements around bolt hole.
- integer_value
- The integer value to update for the detail.
- reserved
- Reserved for future use. Must be set to 0.
- force_storage
- 0 - Do not store user-defined detail.
*CE_DetailSetInt 1 ce_layers 3 0 0
*CE_DetailSetInt 2 "test" 5 0 1
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
# Handle error