
Create a fillet surface of a constant radius between two surfaces at the selected edges.


*fillet_surface_edges mark_id fillet_radius stitching_tol unfold_angle_limit fillet_option trim_mode reserved


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


This command inserts a fillet surface of a constant radius between surfaces at the selected edges. It is assumed that only two surfaces are linked to each other at each point of the selected edges. If there are more than two surfaces linked, then this is ignored for the filleting. It is also assumed that the angle between the two surfaces at each point of the edges is less than 180 degrees minus unfold_angle_limit, where unfold_angle_limit must be more than 0 degrees.


The mark ID containing the relevant surface edges to fillet between.
The radius of the fillet to create.
The tolerance to use for equivalenceing the original surfaces with the fillet surfaces, as well as each other.
The angle between the surfaces must be sharper than 180 degrees minus this value. Must be ≥ 0.
0 - Each selected edge will have its own fillet surface.
1 - The fillet surface will be continuous where the chain of edges does not have sharp corners between the edges. Therefore, one long fillet surface will correspond each chain of edges that create a smooth line.
0 - The fillet surfaces are created in a component named Fillet. The original surfaces are not modified.
1 - The fillet surfaces are created in the same component as the original surfaces (one of the original surfaces, if they are in different components). The original surfaces are trimmed by the fillet surfaces and stitched to them. The leftovers of the trim (filleting chips) are retained in a component named Filleting chips.
2 - Same as 1, but the filleting chips are deleted.
Reserved for future use. Value must be 0.


To create fillet of radius 2.5 at the edges 10 and 15 with the continuous fillet option, stitching tolerance 0.1 and not deleting the filleting chips:
*createmark lines 1 10 15
*fillet_surface_edges 1 2.5 0.1 0 1 2 0 

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