
Updates an optimization response.


*optiresponseupdate name response property region atta attb number_of_attributes number_of_modes number_of_loadsteps norm dequation_id opti_integers_array number_of_opti_integers opti_doubles_array number_of_opti_doubles


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


Creates an optimization response.


The name of the optimization response.
Type of response that is defined (integer).
  • 1 – weight (Nastran)
  • 2 – volume
  • 3 – volumefrac
  • 4 – eign (Nastran)
  • 5 – frequency
  • 6 – buckling
  • 7 – static displacement
  • 8 – static strain
  • 9 – static stress
  • 10 – static force
  • 11 – composite stress
  • 12 – composite strain
  • 13 – composite failure
  • 14 – FRF displacement
  • 15 – FRF velocity
  • 16 – FRF acceleration
  • 17 – FRF SPCF (Nastran)
  • 18 – FRF stress
  • 19 – FRF force
  • 20 – tdisp (Nastran)
  • 21 – tvelo (Nastran)
  • 22 – taccl (Nastran)
  • 23 – tspcf (Nastran)
  • 24 – tstre (Nastran)
  • 25 – tforc (Nastran)
  • 29 – mass
  • 30 – massfrac
  • 31 – compliance
  • 32 – weighted comp
  • 33 – weighted freq
  • 34 – compliance index
  • 35 – function
  • 36 – COG
  • 37 – inertia
  • 38 – FRF strain
  • 39 – beadfrac
  • 40 – external
  • 41 – fatigue
  • 42 – FRF pressure
  • 43 – PSD displacement
  • 44 – PSD velocity
  • 45 – PSD acceleration
  • 46 – PSD pressure
  • 47 – RMS displacement
  • 48 – RMS velocity
  • 49 – RMS acceleration
  • 50 – RMS pressure
  • 51 – temperature
  • 52 – dsysid
  • 53 – PSD stress
  • 54 – PSD strain
  • 56 – RMS stress
  • 57 – RMS strain
  • 59 – FRF erp
  • 60 – SPC force
  • 61 – GPFORCE
  • 62 – mode shape
Property type of the response (integer).
  • 0 - PROP_TOTAL
  • 1 - PSHELL
  • 2 - PSOLID
  • 3 - PSHEAR
  • 4 - PCOMP
  • 5 - PBAR
  • 6 - PBEAM
  • 7 - PELAS
  • 8 - PROD
  • 9 - PBEND
  • 10 - PDAMP
  • 11 - PBUSH
  • 12 - PTUBE
  • 13 - PGAP
  • 14 - ELEM
  • 15 - MAT
  • 16 - SETS
  • 17 - PBARL
  • 18 - HM_ELAS
  • 19 - PBEAML
  • 20 - PWELD
  • 21 - PMASS
  • 22 - PCOMPG
  • 23 - PCOMPP
  • 24 - PVISC
  • 25 - PLYS
Region identifier for constraint screening.
atta, attb
The attributes of a response.
Number of attributes in att1 array.
Number of modes.
Number of loadsteps.
Norm factor.
Identifier of dequation for dequation type responses.
The ID of the integer array that contains the additional opti parameters. The integer array is created using the *createarray command. This should always be set to 1.
Number of elements in the array of integers (see the comment below).
The ID of the double array that contains the additional opti parameters. The double array is created using the *createdoublearray command. This should always be set to 1.
Number of elements in the array of doubles (see the comment below).
Before a response is updated, the following two arrays must be created:
  1. array of integers.
    • The first number_of_attributes element of this array should be the values for the attributes. The next six elements should be the mode values (or zeros if there are no modes). The subsequent number_of_loadsteps elements should be filled with the loadstep identifiers.
  2. array of reals.
    • The first six elements of this array are the weight values for the modes. The next number_of_loadsteps elements are the weight values for loadsteps.
In case of dequation type responses, the *optiresponsesetequationdata1 and *optiresponsesetequationdata2 commands are required.


Update a static displacement response named "rdisp":

*createarray 11 165 173 1588 1597 1598 0 0 0 0 0 0
*createdoublearray 6 0 0 0 0 0 0
*optiresponseupdate "rdisp" 7 0 0 3 0 5 6 0 0 0 1 11 1 6


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error