Creates weld element(s) between pre-existing components at the given point(s).
*createweldsbetweencompsusingpoints comp1_mark comp2_mark single_col point_mark tol syst configval property null forced_length DTfile
HyperMesh Tcl Modify
Creates weld element(s) between pre-existing components at the given point(s).
- comp1_mark
- The component mark for the first comp collector.
- comp2_mark
- The component mark for the second comp collector, if given.
- single_col
- Flag for the number of comp collectors used.
- 0 - Two comp collectors.
- 1 - One comp collector.
- point_mark
- The point mark for the point collector.
- tol
- The maximum distance allowed between the point (from the point mark) and the comp (from the comp mark) in order to weld the elements in it.
- syst
- Systems flag.
- 0 - Do NOT build systems.
- 1 - Build systems.
- configval
- Weld element type.
- Property
- Name of property collector. Used to retrieve property ID.
- forced_length
- For ACMs only.
- 1 - Sets Hexa length to be an average of two component thickness (t1 + t2)/2.
- 0 - Creates hexa from element plane.
- DTfile
- Name of Diameter Vs. Thickness file. Used to calculate the size of Hexa elements in ACM and diameter for CWELD only.
*createweldsbetweencompsusingpoints(1, 2, 1, 2, 1.0, 1, 71, "myprop",0, 0, "DvsTfile")
If the single_col flag equals 1, then comp2_mark is ignored.