
Creates a triangular or quadrilateral rib at a given position.


*add_rib plane_id surface_id1 surface_id2 x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 width draft_angle plane_position options


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


This command creates a rib whose position is determined by a profile plane together with two points that are located on two given surfaces, respectively. The mid-plane of the rib will be always parallel to the profile plane. The rib is allowed to cut into some other ribs transversely as it goes from surface1 to surface2, hence creating multiple walls in between. They are also allowed to go over some other ribs or bumps.


The ID of a plane created using the *createplane command. This defines the rib profile plane.
The ID of the first surface on which a rib end is located.
The ID of the second surface on which a rib end is located.
x1, y1, z1
The coordinates of the first rib end point, on surface_id1. This point does not have to be on the profile plane but it should be close enough for accurate positioning of the rib. The intersection line of surface_id1 with the profile plane_id is calculated and the closest location on this line to the input is used, which would be located both on surface_id1 and the profile plane_id at the same time.
x2, y2, z2
The coordinates of the second rib end point, on surface_id2. This point does not have to be on the profile plane but it should be close enough for accurate positioning of the rib. The intersection line of surface_id2 with the profile plane_id is calculated and the closest location on this line to the input is used, which would be located both on surface_id2 and the profile plane_id at the same time.
The distance between the side planes of the rib measured at the top plane of the rib. It is the width of the top plane of the rib and its value must always be greater than zero.
The tilt angle of the side planes of the rib with respect to the mid-plane of the rib. If the draft angle is zero, then the sides of the rib will be parallel to the mid-plane of the rib. As the draft angle increases, the side planes open up from the bottom of the rib, keeping the locations fixed at the top plane of the rib. Negative draft angles are allowed, but if too large, might result in intersection of side planes with each other hence the rib might fail to be created.
Specifies if the profile plane is going to be coincident with the mid-plane (i.e., value 0), or if it will be on its left or right (i.e., values 1 and 2, respectively) at a distance which is equal to half of the width.
0 - Triangular rib
1 - Quadrilateral rib


To create a triangular rib that has a width of 0.8 and a draft angle of 4.0 degrees, using the x-y plane with base (0, 0, and 0). The rib will be created on the left of this profile plane. The rib will start at surface 9 and end at surface 6. The exact start location is the closest point to point (12.0, 35.0, and 22.0) that is at the intersection of surface 9 with profile plane and the exact end position is determined similarly by point (10.5, 35.5, and 17.5) using surface 6 and profile plane.

*createplane 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
*add_rib 1 9 6 12.0 35.0 22.0 10.5 35.5 17.5 0.8 4.0 2 0


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
