
Changes a single FE realization detail for connectors on the mark.


*CE_FE_SetSpecificDetail connector_mark detail_type integer_value double_value


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


Changes a single FE realization detail for connectors on the mark.


The mark of connectors that needs to be updated.
The connector FE detail to edit:
  • 1 - config (integer)
  • 2 - tolerance (double)
  • 3 - property_id (integer)
  • 4 - systems (integer: 0 or 1)
  • 5 - snap_to_node (integer: 0 or 1)
  • 6 - remesh (integer: 0 or 1)
  • 7 - force_collinear (integer: 0 or 1)
  • 8 - fe_type (integer)
See *CE_FE_SetDetails(), *CE_FE_SetDetailsAndRealize(), and *CE_FE_SetSpecificDetail() for a more comprehensive description of the details.
Pass necessary integers values through this parameter.
Pass necessary double values through this parameter.


Initialize a connector’s FE details, and then change the tolerance from 1.0 to 2.0.
*createmark connectors 1 1 2 3
*CE_FE_SetSpecificDetail 1 2 0 2.0

Generally, this command is most useful to change a single previously set connector FE value. It can be used to populate all the connector’s FE values from scratch, but it is necessary that a config (or fe_type) and tolerance be properly set for realization to occur. This command makes it possible to change a single connector FE value, such as the weld config, while leaving all other FE values intact.

This command will not operate on a connector unless either the *CE_FE_SetDetails() or the *CE_FE_SetDetailsAndRealize() command has been called first on that connector (without being rejected). Before you can update a specific FE detail (*CE_FE_SetSpecificDetail), all the main FE details must be initialized (which is what the other two commands do).