
Manages the display of a mark of entities.


*hwCfdSceneShowHideIsolateEntity function entity_type mark_id ?consider_geom? ?consider_elems? ?unhighlight?


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


This command is used to manage the display of a mark of entities with an additional ability to show/hide the surfaces attached to the solid.

This should be used in conjunction with the *hwCfdSceneReverseAll and *hwCfdSceneShowAll commands.

This command is valid only for the CFD profile.


The string defining the operation to be performed on the mark of supported entities. Valid values are:
hide - Turn off the display of the entities on mark. If the selection filter is solid, the hidden surfaces are shown in transparent mode.
isolate - Turn off the display of all the entities and only turn on the display of the entities on mark.
reverse - Turn off all display of the entities on mark and turn on the display of hidden entities of the same entity type.
show - Turn on the display of the entities on mark.
The type of entity to modify. Valid values are modules, regions, surfaces and solids.
0 - Do not consider the associated geometry
1 - Consider the associated geometry (default)
0 - Do not consider the associated elements
1 - Consider the associated elements (default)
0 - Do not remove highlighting
1 - Remove highlighting (default)


To hide surfaces 1-10, reverse the display, then show all entities:

*createmark surfaces 1 1-10
*hwCfdSceneShowHideIsolateEntity hide surfaces 1 1 1 1
*hwCfdSceneReverseAll surfaces 1 1
*hwCfdSceneShowAll 1 1


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History