Update bar elements using an input table.
*barelementupdatebytable table_name <option1>=<value1> <option2>=<value2> ... <optionN>=<valueN>
HyperMesh Tcl Modify
This command updates the bar element data names using the data provided in the input table. This command is similar to *barelementupdatewithoffsets but differs only in its approach to update the elements, whereby each element in the table can be updated with a unique value of the data name in one operation whereas the latter updates a specific value to all elements.
<option>=<value> options can be provided in any order.
- table_name
- The name of the table to use as input. This option is mandatory.
- id=<id>
- The table column that contains the element IDs. This is a mandatory input.
- property=<property>
- The table column that contains the properties ID. This is optional input. If provided, it will assign the properties in this column to respective elements in ID column. The column type should be unsignedint.
- node=<node>
- The table column that contains the node IDs. This is optional input. If provided, it will assign the nodes in this column, as orientation node, to respective elements in ID column. ydir specifies whether this node defines the local y-axis or local z-axis. The column type should be unsignedint.
- ydir=<ydir>
- The table column that contains the ydir flags. This is optional input. If set to 1, then orientation node defines the local y-axis of the bar. Otherwise, orientation node defines the local z-axis. The column type should be unsignedint.
- vector=<vector>
- The table column that contains the vectors. This is optional input. If provided, it will update the orientation direction of the respective elements in the ID column. The column type should be triple.
- vector_option=<vector_option>
- The table column that contains the vector options. This is optional input. If provided, it will be used for vector calculation. The column type should be unsignedint.
- offset_system_a=<offset_system_a>
- The table column that contains the offset systems for end a. This is optional input. If provided, it will use the respective system to define the offsets at end a. The column type should be unsignedint.
- offseta=<offseta>
- The table column that contains the offsets for end a. This is optional input. If provided, it will update offset in the x-direction at end a of the respective elements in the ID column. The column type should be triple.
- offset_system_b=<offset_system_b>
- The table column that contains the offset systems for end b. This is optional input. If provided, it will use the respective system to define the offsets at end b. The column type should be unsignedint.
- offsetb=<offsetb>
- The table column that contains the offsets for end b. This is optional input. If provided, it will update offset in the x-direction at end b of the respective elements in the ID column. The column type should be triple.
- pina=<pina>
- The table column that contains the pin flags for end a. This is optional input. If provided, it will update the pin flags at end a of the respective elements in the ID column. A pin flag of 0 passes forces in all degrees of freedom. The column type should be int.
- pinb=<pinb>
- The table column that contains the pin flags for end b. This is optional input. If provided, it will update the pin flags at end b of the respective elements in the ID column. A pin flag of 0 passes forces in all degrees of freedom. The column type should be int.
Update the direction of the 1D elements listed in the table with ID and vector columns specified:
*tablecreate "Elems1DReOrient" 1 1 1 0 0
*createstringarray 3 "1441" "1442" "1443"
*tableaddcolumn "Elems1DReOrient" "elements" "ElemID" 1 3
*createstringarray 9 "-0.000000" "1.000000" "0.000000" \
"-0.000000" "1.000000" "0.000000" \
"-0.000000" "1.000000" "0.000000"
*tableaddcolumn "Elems1DReOrient" "triple" "Direction" 1 9
*barelementupdatebytable Elems1DReOrient id=ElemID vector=Direction
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
# Handle error
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