Starts a multiple-solid solidmap command block, with optional source and destination hints.
*solidmap_solids_begin2 solid_mark_id source_surface_mark_id destination_surface_mark_id options elem_size
HyperMesh Tcl Modify
This command is used by the multi-solid mapping algorithm to indicate the beginning of a solid mapping command block. It must be paired with a *solidmap_solids_end command.
- solid_mark_id
- ID of the mark containing the solids to mesh. Valid values are 1 and 2.
- source_surface_mark_id
- ID of the mark containing the source surface hints. Valid values are 1 and 2.
- destination_surface_mark_id
- ID of the mark containing the destination surface hints. Valid values are 1 and 2.
- options
- Flags that indicate different options for solid mapping. Bit values are used and the
value is a sum of all the options. Any bits not listed below are unused or for internal
use (e.g. called in other commands) and are always internally set to their required
values. Setting them to 0 is recommended, but not mandatory.
- Bit0
- 0 – Reserved, must be set to 0.
- Bit1
- 0 – New elems are organized to the solid component.
- 2 – New elems are organized to the current component.
- Bit2
- 0 – Reserved, must be set to 0.
- Bit3
- 0 – Create elems when calling *solidmap_solids_end
- 8 – Do not create elems when calling *solidmap_solids_end (for expert users only).
- Bit4
- 0 – Create layered solid elements.
- 16 – Create layered shell elements.
- Bit5,6
- 0 – Auto decide
- 32 - Don't use the fast method.
- 64 - Use the fast method
- 96 - Unused
- Bit8
- 0 – No additional smoothing steps will occur.
- 256 – Perform extra smoothing steps.
- Bit9,10,11
- 2D elem type 1 and 2 passing to the internal call to
*defaultremesh when per face meshing parameters are not available:
- 0 – Tria
- 512 – Quad
- 1024 - Mixed
- 1536 - R-tria
- 2048 - Quad only
- Bit13
- 0 – Keep shell meshes on input geometry.
- 8192 – Remesh shell meshes on input geometry.
- NOTE: Solid elems on input solids are always deleted.
- Bit14
- 0 – Normal meshing situations.
- 16384 – Create internal meshing sequencing structure only. Don't create mesh and internal meshing structure (for expert users only).
- Bit15
- 0 - Do not use meshing parameters saved to the solid map attributes on the geometry.
- 32768 – Use meshing parameters saved to the solid map attributes on the geometry.
- Bit16
- 0 – Make the reparameterization of along faces more orthogonal.
- 65536 – Make the reparameterization of along faces more like parallelograms.
- Bit17
- 0 – Don’t use per edge/face saved meshing parameters.
- 131062 – Use per edge/face saved meshing parameters.
- Bit18
- 0 – Stop meshing when elems with negative Jacobian are generated.
- 262144 – Continue meshing regardless of the elem quality.
- elem_size
- The default element size used when the per edge/face meshing parameters are not available.
To mesh solids 32 and 41 with a default elem size of 2.0 except on edges 2 and 4 which should have an elem size of 1.0, using source surface hints 100-105 and destination surface hints 200-205:
*createmark solids 1 32 41
*createmark surfs 1 100-105
*createmark surfs 2 200-205
*solidmap_solid_begin2 1 1 2 0 2.0
*createmark lines 1 2 4
*solidmap_solids_set_elemsize 1 1.0
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
# Handle error
Version History