Sets the per-edge element density within a multiple-solid solidmap command block.
*solidmap_solids_set_density mark_id elem_density
HyperMesh Tcl Modify
This command is for setting the per edge elem density for solid map meshing. The density value specified is only a target value. Depending on solvability, the resulting mesh may take on a modified value. This command can only be called between a *solidmap_solids_begin and *solidmap_solids_end command pair.
- mark_id
- The ID of the mark containing the lines/edges to set the element density for. Valid values are 1 and 2.
- elem_density
- The value to set the density to for the selected lines/edges.
To mesh solids 32 and 41 with a default elem size of 2.0 except on edges 2 and 4 which should have an elem density of 10.0:
*createmark solids 1 32 41
*solidmap_solid_begin 1 0 2.0
*createmark lines 1 2 4
*solidmap_solids_set_density 1 10.0
if { [ catch {*solidmap_solids_set_density 3 2.0} ] } {
# Handle error
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