Splits a group of elements based on a graphical split line.
*elementmarksplit mark_id crosscode crosscode_size
HyperMesh Tcl Modify
This command splits a group of shell/solid elements based on a graphical split line. The split line cannot be defined manually and this command should only be run from the workspace.
- mark_id
- The mark ID containing the elements to split.
- crosscode
- The array ID containing the crossing codes. The crosscode array is calculated internally by HyperMesh depending on the selected split line drawn in the graphics area and cannot be calculated manually.
- crosscode_size
- The size of the crosscode array. This must be equal to the number of elements on the mark.
*createmark elems 1 1-21
*createarray(21) 33 18 12 192 18 34 34 64 72 136 136 136 72 136 72 1 132 40 132 132 48
*elementmarksplit 1 1 21
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
# Handle error