Create a certain style of connectors at locations specified by mark using certain rules and details, and realize them using specified details.
*CE_ConnectorCreateByMarkAndRealizeWithDetails entitytype entitymark ce_style num_ents linkentity linkentmark solvername config fe_type tolerance options options_size
HyperMesh Tcl Modify
Create a certain style of connectors at locations specified by mark using certain rules and details, and realize them using specified details.
- entitytype
- The type of specified location(s). Possible options depend on the type of connector:
- points
- Valid for Spot, Bolt, and Apply Mass connectors.
- nodes
- Valid for Spot, Bolt, and Apply Mass connectors.
- lines
- Valid for Spot, Bolt, and Seam connectors.
- elems
- Valid only for Area connectors.
- surfs
- Valid only for Area connectors.
- entitymark
- Mark containing the list of points, nodes, lines, elems, or surfs.
- ce_style
- Style of connectors. Valid options are:
- spot
- bolt
- apply_mass
- seam
- area
- num_ents
- Number of links.
- linkentity
- Type of link entity:
- elems
- Valid for Spot or Apply_mass connectors.
- nodes
- Valid for Spot or Apply_mass connectors.
- comps
- Valid for Spot, Bolt, Apply_mass, Seam, or Area connectors.
- surfs
- Valid for Spot, Seam, or Area connectors.
- tags
- Valid for Spot or Apply_Mass connectors.
- linkentmark
- The mark containing the link entities.
- solvername
- The target solver for realization.
- config
- The element type for realization:
- 2 - plot
- 3 - weld
- 5 - rigid
- 21 - spring
- 55 - rigidlink
- 60 - bar2
- 61 - rod
- 70 - gap
- 104 - quads
- 1001 - custom
- fe_type
- The type ID for the current solver specified in the FEconfig file. Only used for custom config (1001).
- tolerance
- The maximum distance allowed between the connector (on mark) and each of its links during realization.
- options
- The string array to specify optional details for creation:
Detail Description Default Value area_mesh_type Mesh type for area connectors when using SURFS as the location: - 0 = Trias
- 1 = Quads
- 2 = Mixed
- 3 = Right trias
1 area_mesh_size Mesh size for area connectors when using SURFS as the location. 10.0 link_elems_geom Connecting element (elems) or geometry (geom). elems link_rule Link rule: - now
- at_fe_realize
- none
none relink_rule Relink rule: - id
- name
- none
none tol_flag Indicates whether to use tolerance. - 0 = Yes
- 1 = No
0 tol Add entities as links only within this distance of the specified location. 0.0 line_spacing Spacing for spot or seam connectors on lines. 1.0 line_density Density for spot or seam connectors on lines. 0 line_offset_flag Indicates whether to offset connector. - 0 = Yes
- 1 = No
0 line_offset Offset value from the ends of line for spot or seam connectors. 0.0 seam_area_group Group flag for seam or area connector. - 0 = No
- 1 = Yes
0 area_width Width of area connectors created from node lists or line lists. 1.0 area_offset Offset area connnector(s) created from node or line lists from the selected location by this value. 0.0 ce_propertyid Property ID value. 0 ce_systems Build system flag. - 0 = No
- 1 = Yes
0 ce_connectivity Connectivity type: - 0 - Mesh independent
- 1 - Mesh dependent + remesh
- 2 - Mesh dependent + ensure projection
- 3 - Mesh dependent + quad transition
- 4 - Mesh dependent + projection and find nodes
- 5 - Mesh dependent + find nearest nodes
0 ce_forcecollinear Collinear flag: - 0 = Non-collinear
- 1 = Collinear
0 ce_nonnormal Non-normal projection flag. - 0 = Normal
- 1 = Non-normal
0 ce_diameter Diameter value for some custom types (acm, cweld, mat100, etc.) 0 ce_areathicknesstype Thickness type for area connector: - 0 = (T1+T2)/2
- 1 = Shell gap
- 2 = Mid thickness
- 3 = Const thickness
0 ce_areaconstthickness Constant thickness value for area connector. 0.0 ce_areastacksize Density for area connector. 0 ce_boltmindiameter Minimum diameter for a hole to be accepted as a bolt hole. 0.0 ce_boltmaxdiameter Maximum diameter for a hole to be accepted as a bolt hole. 10.0 ce_appliedmass Mass value for apply massx 0.0 ce_appliedmassdis Mass distribution type for apply mass: - 0 = Apply to all nodes.
- 1 = Divide by nodes.
- 2 = Divide by area.
- 3 = Unit area.
0 ce_configfile fe configuration file. "" ce_dvstfile Diameter vs. thickness file. "" ce_propertyscript Property script file. "" ce_fevectorrevers Reverse direction flag for seam connectors: - 0 = No reverse
- 1 = Reverse
0 - options_ size
- The size of the options string array.
*createmark(nodes,1) 10
*createmark(components,2) 3, 4
*createstringarray(8) "link_elems_geom=elems" "link_rule=now" "relink_rule=none" "tol_flag=1" "tol=6.000000" "ce_systems=0" "ce_connectivity=0" "ce_nonnormal=0"
*CE_ConnectorCreateByMarkAndRealizeWithDetails(Nodes, 1, "spot", 2, Comps, 2, "natsran", 5, 0, 6.0, 1, 8)