Sets the per-surface mesh type and mesh flags within a multiple-solid solidmap command block.
*solidmap_solids_set_face_params mark_id options
HyperMesh Tcl Modify
This command is for setting the per surface mesh type and mesh flags. The command has effect only for surfaces for which the mesh type and flags are free to change (e.g not a along face of a solid and not linked to a premeshed surface…).
It can only be called between a *solidmap_solids_begin and *solidmap_solids_end command pair.
- mark_id
- The ID of the mark containing the surfaces to set the meshing flags for. Valid values are 1 and 2.
- options
- Flags that indicate different options for solid mapping. Bit values are used and the
value is calculated as (Bit0 + 2*Bit1 + 4*Bit2 + 8*Bit3 + 16*Bit4 + 32*Bit5 + 64*Bit6 +
128*Bit7…). The bits not listed below are unused or for internal use (e.g. called in
other commands).
- Bit0,1
- 0/1/3 – Non-mapped mesh type.
- Bit2-4
- Elem type if non-mapped.
- 0– Use the same type defined in *solidmap_solids_begin.
- 1 – tria
- 2 – quad
- 3 – mixed
- 4 – R-tria
- Bit5
- 0 – Size control off
- 1 – Size control on
- Bit6
- 0 – Skew control off
- 1 – Skew control on
- Bit7
- 0 – Mesh flow alignment off
- 1 – Mesh flow alignment on
- Bit8
- 0 – Global size control off
- 1 – Global size control on
To mesh solids 32 and 41 with a default elem size of 2.0. Additionally, surfaces 5 and 10 are to be of mapped mesh type by auto determining the corners:
*createmark solids 1 32 41
*solidmap_solid_begin 1 0 2.0
*createmark surfs 1 5 10
*solidmap_solids_set_face_params 1 2
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
# Handle error
Version History