*tetmesh_set_input entity_type1 mark_id1 mode1 entity_type2 mark_id2 mode2
HyperMesh Tcl Modify
Supplies additional input to *tetmesh.
For the special case that both inputs are inactive, this command clears selections from all previous calls to *tetmesh_set_input and *tetmesh. This is normally not necessary since such cleanup is normally done at the end of each call to *tetmesh.
- entity_type1
- The first entity type. Valid values are nodes, elems, comps, surfs and solids.
- mark_id1
- The ID of the mark containing the first entities. Valid values are 0 (inactive input), 1 and 2.
- mode1
- -1 - Ignored (inactive input)
- 0 - Float without boundary layer
- 1 - Fixed without boundary layer
- 2 - Float with boundary layer
- 3 - Fixed with boundary layer
- 4 - Size control boxes
- 5 - Anchor nodes
- 6 - 3D re-mesh
- 7 - 3D re-mesh with free boundary swappable-float.
- 8 - 3D re-mesh with free boundary remeshable-float.
- 9 - Remeshable-float without BL
- 10 - Remeshable-float with BL,
- 11 - Elem input for fluid volume selection. Either touched (or normal pointed into) are fluid volumes.
- entity_type2
- The second entity type. Valid values are nodes, elems, comps, surfs and solids.
- mark_id2
- The ID of the mark containing the second entities. Valid values are 0 (inactive input), 1 and 2.
- mode2
- -1 - Ignored (inactive input)
- 0 - Float without boundary layer
- 1 - Fixed without boundary layer
- 2 - Float with boundary layer
- 3 - Fixed with boundary layer
- 4 - Size control boxes
- 5 - Anchor nodes
- 6 - 3D re-mesh
- 7 - 3D re-mesh with free boundary swappable-float.
- 8 - 3D re-mesh with free boundary remeshable-float.
- 9 - Remeshable-float without BL
- 10 - Remeshable-float with BL
- 11 - Elem input for fluid volume selection. Either touched (or normal pointed into) are fluid volumes.
*createstringarray 1 "tet: 579 1.2 2 0 0.8 0 0"
*createmark comps 1 "^elem_size_ctrl_0.1" "^elem_size_ctrl_0.5"
*tetmesh_set_input comps 1 4 elems 0 -1
*createmark comps 2 "float_shells"
*createmark comps 1 "fixed_shells"
*tetmesh comps 2 0 comps 1 1 1 1
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
# Handle error
Version History