
Stores or restores a copy of current domains, handles, and shapes.


*morphstoredomains mode


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


Stores or restores a copy of current domains, handles, and shapes.


The mode you want to use the command in:
  • 1 - Store domains
  • 2 - Restore domains
  • 3 - Free (empty) the memory used for storage


*morphstoredomains (1)

This command either stores a copy of all the handles, domain, and shapes in the database, restores that copy - replacing the current entities in the database, or clears the memory where the stored copy was kept. This is how HyperMorph enables the reject command for the extensive changes which can result from domain creation or updating.

Typical usage would be to call this command with mode = 1, call any command which modifies handles, domains, and shapes, and then call this command with mode = 2 if you want to reject the previous changes. Then make sure to call this command with mode = 3 to free up the memory used for storage.

