Export connectors in the native XML/ASCII format.
*CE_ExportFile mark_id ce_style filename header_string with_md option reserved1 reserved2
HyperMesh Tcl Modify
This command exports selected connectors in the native XML/ASCII format. The exported connectors file in XML format can be viewed either in an internet browser or in XML notepad. The ASCII format file can be viewed in any text viewer.
- mark_id
- The ID of the mark containing the connectors to export. Valid values are 1 and 2.
- ce_style
- Filter the specific type of connector to exported. Valid values are:
- all
- spot
- bolt
- apply_mass
- seam
- area
- filename
- The full path and filename of the output file (.xml or .mcf extension).
- header_string
- Optional string information that is written out only in ASCII export.
- with_md
- Flag to indicate whether to write metadata information. Valid values are:
- 0 - Metadata is not written
- 1 - Metadata is written
- options
- Export format:
- 1 - ASCII (.mcf)
- 3 - XML (.xml)
- reserved1
- Reserved for future use. Must be set to "".
- reserved2
- Reserved for future use. Must be set to 0.
*createmark connectors 1 "displayed"
*CE_ExportFile 1 "all" "C:/ce_info.xml" "" 1 3 "" 0
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
# Handle error