Creates a domain from the elements on the mark with various options.
*morphcreatedomaindc elemtype elemmark type part rethand bydom bycomp
HyperMesh Tcl Modify
Creates a domain from the elements on the mark with various options.
- elemtype
- elemmark
- Element mark number
- type
- -1 - Autoupdate
- part
- 0 - Do not use partitioning
- rethand
- 0 - Do not retain handles
- bydom
- 0 - Do not divide selected elements by existing domain
- bycomp
- 0 - Do not divide selected elements by components
*morphcreatedomaindc (ELEMS,1,2,1,1,0,0)
A new domain is created from the elements on the mark. The type specified notes which elements in the mark will be retained. If no elements of the correct type are on the mark, the command will exit. Elements from existing domains may be placed on the mark and will be removed from their former domain and placed in the new domain.
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
# Handle error