
Updates a layer type morphconstraint for the selected nodes such that they move relative to the selected elements.


*morphconstraintupdatelayer n_entity_type n_mark_id e_entity_type e_mark_id type morphconstraint_id color


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


This command will update a layer type morphconstraint for the selected nodes such that they move relative to the selected elements, effectively mapping nodes in layers to those on the selected elements. This option works best for nodes that were created in identical layers, such as with the element offset or drag elements functionalities used to create a stack of solid elements with a shell mesh. It is intended for use with CFD boundary layer meshes.

The nodes will maintain their original distances relative to the elements when the elements are morphed. The nodes will also match the movements of the elements in translation, translation and rotation, or be allowed to slide parallel to the normal direction of the elements based on the type selected. Also, mesh stretching may be enabled to smooth the transition between the constraint and the rest of the mesh.


Must be set to nodes.
The ID of the mark containing the nodes to be constrained. Valid values are 1 and 2.
Must be set to elems.
The ID of the mark containing the elements to which the nodes will be constrained. Valid values are 1 and 2.
0 – Force inner layers to always be normal to the outer layer
1 – Allow sliding normal to the outer layer
2 – Fix only translations between the elements and the layers
3 – Fix both translation and rotation between the elements and the layers
+8 – Stretch mesh around the constrained nodes
+16 – Use “cfd corners” method to calculate normals
The ID of the morphconstraint to be updated.
The color of the constraint. Valid values are 1 through 64.


To update a layer constraint to be fixed in both rotation and translation (type = 3), with mesh stretching enabled (type +8) and using the CFD corners method (type +16 for a total of 27):

*createmark nodes 1 "all"
*createmark elements 1 207 213 217 218 220 221 223 225 226
*morphconstraintupdatelayer nodes 1 elements 1 27 1 38


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
