
Specifies boundary layer input.


*blmesh_2d_input_bl fixed_entity_type fixed_mark_id float_entity_type float_mark_id


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


Specifies boundary layer input for *bl_mesh2d2 and *bl_mesh2d_computeblthickness1. If *blmesh_2d_input_bl is not called before either command, then all edges of the selected region are considered as boundary layer edges.


The type of entities to use for the fixed boundary layer. Valid values depend on the base_entity_type value specified in *bl_mesh2d2.
If base_entity_type is surfs, then the only valid value is lines.
If base_entity_type is elems, then the valid values are elems or nodes. For elems, only plotel elements are allowed.
The ID of the mark containing the fixed entities. Valid values are 1 and 2.
The type of entities to use for the float boundary layer. Valid values depend on the base_entity_type value specified in *bl_mesh2d2.
If base_entity_type is surfs, then the only valid value is lines.
If base_entity_type is elems, then the valid values are elems or nodes. For elems, only plotel elements are allowed
The ID of the mark containing the float entities. Valid values are 1 and 2.


To create a 5 layer boundary mesh with a quad dominated mesh of size 2.0 on surface 10, with the first layer being 0.15 thick and a growth rate of 1.2, using boundary layer elements 10 and 11 as fixed and 12 and 13 as float, and non-boundary layer elements 1 and 2 as fixed and 5 and 6 as float:
*createmark elems 1 10 11
*createmark elems 2 12 13
*blmesh_2d_input_bl elems 1 elems 2
*createmark elems 1 1 2
*createmark elems 2 5 6
*blmesh_2d_input_nonbl elems 1 elems 2 1
*createstringarray 2 "element_size: 2.0" "element_type: quads"
*createmark surfs 1 10
*blmesh_2d2 surfs 1 5 0.15 1.2 1 2 2
To create a 5 layer boundary mesh from elements 10-100, with the first layer being 0.15 thick and a growth rate of 1.2, a core-to-BL ratio of 2.5, a corner factor of 1.0, using boundary layer elements 10 and 11 as fixed and 12 and 13 as float, and non-boundary layer elements 1 and 2 as fixed and 5 and 6 as float:
*createmark elems 1 10 11
*createmark elems 2 12 13
*blmesh_2d_input_bl elems 1 elems 2
*createmark elems 1 1 2
*createmark elems 2 5 6
*blmesh_2d_input_nonbl elems 1 elems 2 1
*createmark elems 1 10-100
*blmesh_2d_computeblthickness elems 1 5 0.15 1.2 2.5 1.1


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error