
Performs intersection and Boolean operations of 2D elements.


*remesh_master_slave_boolean selected_entity_type selected_mark_id master_entity_type master_mark_id strings


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


Performs intersection and Boolean operations of 2D elements. Elements are distributed into groups based on their connectivity and component membership. The elements belonging to different components can be in a single group by parameter input. Only different groups are taken as counterparts for the intersection and Boolean operations. Moreover, elements sharing a node are not counterparts of intersection calculations for element/element intersection.


The type of selected entities. Valid values are elems and comps.
The ID of the mark that contains the selected entities. Valid values are 1 and 2.
The type of master entities. Valid values are elems and comps.
Master entities are those with no elements (internal shell elements) deleted after conformal elements are generated for intersecting elements. Selected entities which are not also selected as master, are known as slave elements. After conformal elements are generated for intersecting elements, the slave elements inside any closed watertight element groups are deleted.
The ID of the mark that contains the master entities. Valid values are 1 and 2.
Character string containing name/value pairs. Names and values are space separated.
angle <value>
This is used to define feature edges on the mesh utilized for remeshing. If not defined, its default is 30.0.
break_shell_along_component_boundaries <value>
0 - All elements connected to each other are classified as a group.
1 - Element group building stops at component boundaries. All elements in each group belong to a single component (default).
do_boolean_difference <value>
If set to 1, perform a Boolean difference to subtract slave entities from the master. Default is 0.
generate_intersect_segments_only <value>
If set to 1, the command only calculates and creates the intersection segments, but does not perform the intersection and remeshing. Default is 0.
keep_intersected_edges <value>
If set to 1, create 1D elements at mesh intersection locations. Default is 0.
num_remesh_layers <value>
The number of layers attached to intersecting elements to consider for remeshing.
-1 - Intersecting elements are split and stitched to obtain a conformal element connectivity without remeshing.
0 - Remesh only the intersecting elements
> 0 - Remesh using the specified number of layers in addition to the intersected elements.


To create intersections between the displayed comps and comps brown and blue:

*createmark components 1 "displayed"
*createmark components 2 "brown" "blue"
*remesh_master_slave_boolean components 1 components 2 "do_boolean_difference 1 keep_intersect_edges 0 break_shell_along_component_boundaries 0 num_remesh_layers -1 angle 30.000000 "


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
