
Creates a full or partial cone, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use in the automesher. It also can identify a conical region for the automesher to use under the mesh without surface option.


*surfacecone bottom center major vector normal vector base radius top radius aspect ratio start angle end angle height


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


Creates a full or partial cone, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use in the automesher. It also can identify a conical region for the automesher to use under the mesh without surface option.


bottom center
A node specifying the center of the cone.
major vector
A node specifying the major axis.
normal vector
A node specifying the axis which the cone spins around. The height is applied from the bottom center along the normal axis.
base radius
The radius of the bottom of the cone.
top radius
The radius of the top of the cone.
aspect ratio
A value less than 1.0 creates an elliptical cone or cylinder.
start angle
Angle at which the cone starts (0.0 to < end angle). 0.0 starts at the major vector.
end angle
Angle at which the cone ends (> start angle to 360.0).
Height of the cone.


To create an elliptical cone using nodes 1, 2, and 3, with base radius of 10, top radius of 5, and height of 10, but not create any elements:

*surfacecone(1,2,3,10.0,5.0,0.5,0.0, 360.0,10.0)

If the top radius and base radius are equal, a cylinder is created.

The *surfacemode(4) directive tells HyperMesh not to pass the information on to the automesher for element creation.

