Create a primitive type surface from selected nodes or points.
*surfaceprimitivefrompoints entity_type mark_id surf_type options tol
HyperMesh Tcl Modify
This command takes input nodes or points and uses them as target points to construct a surface of the specified primitive type. Optionally, a tolerance value can be specified to reject a surface that does not fit the input points.
- entity_type
- Type of input target. Valid values are nodes or points.
- mark_id
- The mark of input nodes or points.
- surf_type
- The type of primitive surface to create. Valid values are:
- options
- Flags that indicate different modes. Bit values are used and the value is calculated
as (Bit0 + 2*Bit1).
- Bit0
- Tolerance usage mode. Valid values are:
- 0 – Tolerance is not used, best possible surface is found for any input set of points.
- 1 – Tolerance specified by tol parameter is used to reject surface that does not fit input points.
- Bit1
- Component mode. Used only when entity_type is points. Valid
values are:
- 0 – Surface is created in the current component.
- 1 – Surface is created in the most common input points component.
- tol
- Tolerance value used to accept generated surface. Not used if options Bit0 is 0. Negative value can be set to specify that the global value of the geometry cleanup tolerance set using *setoption cleanup_tolerance should be used.
To create a cone surface that fits all displayed points in a best possible way:
*createmark points 1 "displayed"
*surfaceprimitivefrompoints points 1 4
To try to create sphere that fits nodes 1 through 8 with a deviation not larger than 0.02:
*createmark nodes 1 1-8
*surfaceprimitivefrompoints nodes 1 2 1 0.02
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
# Handle error
Version History