
FE-absorb 1D properties into beam sections.


*absorbbeamsections ?<select_type>=<selection>? ?option=<value>? ?tolerance=<value>? ?deleteunused=<value>?


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


This command creates/compares beam sections with 1D property values as per the options provided. Currently valid only for OptiStruct and Nastran profiles.


The properties to be modified. There are several ways to provide the entities to be modified. Only one option can be used at a time. If not specified, all properties in the model are considered:
The ID of the single entity to modify.
The ID of the mark containing the entities to modify.
0 - Preserves the beam sections not referenced in any entity.
1 - Deletes the beam sections not referenced in any entity (default).
0 - Create new beam sections if there are not beam sections attached to the 1D properties (default).
1 - If the beam section is attached to the 1D property, it will compare the beam section values and property values. If there is a mismatch in values, it will create a new beam section honoring the values on the property.
2 - Creates new beam sections even if beam sections are attached to the 1D property, by honoring the values on the property.
Valid for option=1 to compare the beam section values and property values with the user defined tolerance value. Default value is 0.01.


Create beam sections for all the 1D properties in the model which don’t have beam section:
*absorbbeamsections option=0
*createmark props 1 all
*absorbbeamsections mark=1
*createmark props 1 all
*absorbbeamsections mark=1 option=0
Compare the beam section and property values for property ID 1 with a default relative tolerance of 0.01:
*absorbbeamsections id=1 option=1
Compare the beam section and property values for property ID 1 with a relative tolerance of 0.05:
*absorbbeamsections id=1 tolerance=0.05
Overwrite the beam section referred in property ID 1:
*absorbbeamsections id=1 option=2


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

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