Inputs an ASCII analysis input deck, and for certain import translators, invokes a Part Browser to allow selecting various options while importing the chosen model.
*feinputinteractive programname filename overwrite min_edge_length cleanup_tolerance blanked_component offsetflag
HyperMesh Tcl Modify
Inputs an ASCII analysis input deck and for certain import translators invokes a Part Browser to allow selecting various options while importing the chosen model.
- programname
- The name of the translator program.
- filename
- The file name containing an input deck.
- overwrite
- 1 - If HyperMesh should overwrite any existing IDs,
- 0 - If HyperMesh should offset.
- min_edge_length
- Not used.
- cleanup_tolerance
- If < 0, use automatic cleanup tolerance.
- If = 0, do not cleanup topology.
- If > 0, use this as cleanup tolerance.
- blanked_component
- 1 - Create an empty component for data.
- 0 - Do not create an empty component.
- offsetflag
- Apply a user-defined offset.
*feinputinteractive "feinput/abaqus" "model" 0 0 -0.01 10.0 0