Optimizes a node location to improve the attached elements' quality index according to pre-set quality criteria.
*elementqualityoptimizenodenew node_id midnodes_flag optimize_flag
HyperMesh Tcl Modify
This command optimizes a node location to improve the attached elements' quality index according to pre-set quality criteria.
This command only functions between an *elementqualitysetup command and an *elementqualityshutdown command.
Current element quality criteria for optimization must be set before using this command. The command may be applied at any time without resetting the current quality criteria.
- node_id
- The node ID.
- midnodes_flag
- Neighboring mid-nodes during optimization.
- 0 - Do not consider neighboring.
- 1 - Consider neighboring.
- optimize_flag
- Optimize the node location.
- 1 - Along the surface.
- 2 - Normal to the surface.
- 3 - Along and then normal to the surface.
*readqualitycriteria c:/criteria/mycriteria.txt
*createmark elems 1 displayed
*elementqualitysetup 1
*elementqualityoptimizenodenew 102 1 1
*elementqualityoptimizenodenew 397 0 2
*elementqualityoptimizenodenew 432 1 1
*elementqualityshutdown 1
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
# Handle error
Version History