
Applies the quality index optimization smoothing algorithm to a mark of plate elements.


*optimsmooth smoothmark anchormark criteria_filename feature_angle target_QI max_iterations time_limit


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


One or more nodes may be specified as being anchored in place and not movable. The command optimizes nodes location to reach the specified target Q.I. of the selected elements aggregate according to a given quality criteria. It moves nodes through the surface boundaries unless the boundaries are strong feature lines or component boundaries. The optimization process may be interrupted if the target Q.I. has been reached or a time limit is specified. The optimization may be applied recurrently with a given maximum number of iterations.


The mark of elements to be smoothed. Does not need to be a contiguous block.
The mark of nodes on elements that are not adjustable.
The path of the file containing quality criteria or "dummy" for pre-set criteria.
The angle in degrees specifying the feature lines (18-90 degrees). This is approximately the minimal angle between the elements adjacent to a feature line.
If a negative value is used, this enables the option to maintain nodes on geometry edges and the absolute value is used for the feature angle.
The target Q.I. for optimization.
The maximum number of recursive applications of the optimization procedure.
Time limit in minutes for the optimization.
If = 0, the time constraint is not applied.


To smooth elements 100 through 110 with fixed nodes 15, 17, and 14 using the quality criteria file, c:/mycriteria/durability.txt, the feature angle = 30 degrees, the target Q.I = 0.2, recursive optimization with maximum five iterations and with no time limit applied:

*createmark elements 1 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
*createmark nodes 2  15 17 14
*optimsmooth 1 2 c:/mycriteria/durability.txt 30 0.2 5 0

To smooth all plate elements with fixed nodes 257 and 678 using the quality criteria specified in the example with the feature angle = 40 degrees, target Q.I. = 0.3, no recursive optimization, time limit 60 minutes:

*createstringarray 14 \
" 0 penalty value      0.00    0.00    0.80    1.00   10.00" \
" 1 min length        1 1.0   3.000   2.749   1.502   1.000   0.749  1" \
" 2 max length        1 1.0   3.000   3.600   4.500   6.000   9.000  0" \
" 3 aspect ratio      1 1.0   1.000   2.000   4.400   5.000  10.000  0" \
" 4 warpage           1 1.0   0.000   5.000  13.000  15.000  30.000  0" \
" 5 max angle quad    1 1.0  90.000 110.000 134.000 140.000 160.000  0" \
" 6 min angle quad    1 1.0  90.000  70.000  46.000  40.000  20.000  0" \
" 7 max angle tria    1 1.0  60.000  80.000 112.000 120.000 150.000  0" \
" 8 min angle tria    1 1.0  60.000  50.000  34.000  30.000  15.000  0" \
" 9 skew              1 1.0   0.000  10.000  34.000  40.000  70.000  0" \
"10 jacobian          1 1.0   1.000   0.900   0.700   0.600   0.300  0" \
"11 chordal dev       0 1.0   0.000   0.300   0.800   1.000   2.000  0" \
"12 taper             1 1.0   0.000   0.200   0.500   0.600   0.900  0" \
"13 % of trias        1 1.0   0.000   6.000  10.000  15.000  20.000  0"
*setqualitycriteria 1 14 0
*createmark elements 1 "all"
*createmark nodes 1 257 678
*optimsmooth 1 1 dummy 40 0.3 1 60

