Drapes plies using the Laminate Tool.
*plydrape entity_type mark_id option1=<value1> option2=<value2> … ?optionN1=<valueN1> optionN2=<valueN2> …?
HyperMesh Tcl Modify
Drapes plies using the Laminate Tool.
- entity_type
- The type of entity to drape. Must be set to plies.
- mark_id
- The ID of the mark containing the entities to drape. Valid values are 1 and 2.
- entity_type
- The type of entity to realize. Valid value is plies.
The following inputs may be provided in any order. Optional arguments are listed as such, along with their default values.
- application=<app>
- The draping application to use. Must be set to LaminateTool..
- application_direction=<app_vector_id>
- The ID of the vector defining the application direction of the draping.
- seednode=<node_id>
- The ID of the seed node/application point/start point of the ply.
- showLamToolFlag=<0|1>
- 0 - Do not view the Laminate Tool while draping (optional, default).
- size=<size>
- The step size of the drape lines (optional, default 1).
- strain=<strain>
- The value of the strain in the draping process (optional, default 60).
- refdirection=<ref_vector_id>
- The ID of the vector defining the fiber reference direction.
- uninitializeFlag=<0|1>
- 0 - Do not uninitialize the COM object after the draping process.
For draping ply 20 with seed node 266, reference direction vector ID 1, and application direction vector ID 2::
*createmark plies 1 20
*plydrape plies 1 application="LaminateTool" seednode=266 refdirection=1 applicationdirection=2 size=1 strain=60 uninitializeFlag=1 showLamToolFlag=0
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
# Handle error
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