
Imprints, connects source points, nodes, lines and surfaces onto target FE surfaces.


*imprint_geom entity_type_target mark_id_target entity_type_source mark_id_source ?options?


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


Imprints, connects source points, nodes, lines and surfaces onto target FE surfaces. This command does not support surfaces that are not FE. Points and lines could be any type. In the case that input is an FE entity, the command optionally remeshes the input entities.


The type of entity to use as the target (destination) for the imprint. Valid values are surfaces.
The ID of the mark containing the target (destination) entities to imprint. Valid values are 1 and 2.
The type of entity to use as the source for the imprint. Valid values are points, nodes, lines, surfaces.
The ID of the mark containing the source entities to imprint. Valid values are 1 and 2.
List of input options, passed as a space separated string enclosed in quotes. Valid options are:
angle <value>
The angle used to define feature edges on the mesh. If not defined, 25.0 is used.
max_distance <value>
The command will exit with an error if the distance between source and destination exceeds this value. If not specified, this is ignored.
mesh_size <value>
Automatically detected from input mesh if not provided.
mesh_type <value>
Automatically detected from input mesh if not provided.
0 - tria
1 - quad
2 - mixed
3 - R-tria
4 - quad only
projection_vector <x y z>
3 doubles defining the vector direction. If not defined, normal projection is used.
remain <value>
1 - Source remains, source node coordinates are kept (default if not provided)
2 - Destination remains, node coordinates projected to destination are used
3 - Both remain, source entities are projected and a copy is imprinted to destination
remesh_mode <value>
-1 - No remesh. Element connectivity is maintained by recovery of the imprinting element edges.
0 - Do not remesh destination. Destination mesh is stitched to maintain element connectivity.
1 - Remesh all input destination elements.
2 - Remesh destination elements defined by remesh_layers.
remesh_layers <value>
Must be defined if remesh_mode is 2.
0 - Remesh only the elements attached to the border of the imprinted element image.
> 0 - Remesh additional layers in addition to the elements attached to the imprinted element image.
to_dest_component <value>
0 - Do not organize imprinted elements to destination component (default if not provided).
1 - Organize imprinted elements to destination component.


To imprint surfaces 20 and 21 onto surface 45, using a normal projection, a feature angle of 30, keeping the source, and remeshing the destination using 2 layers:

*createmark surfs 2 20 21
*createmark surfs 1 45 
*imprint_geom surfs 2 surfs 1 "remain 1 remesh_mode 2 remesh_layers 2 angle 30.0"


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

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