
Updates the end conditions of edges on selected morph volumes.


*morphupdateenbymvol a_entity_type a_mark_id b_entity_type b_mark_id vector system_id mode


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


This command will update the end conditions (free, fixed, master-slave, or continuous) for edges on the morph volumes specified in the marks. Connecting edges from one group of morph volumes to another is supported as well as specifically dealing with radial and tangential edges for cylindrical morph volume matrices. The results depend on the selected mode.


Must be set to hypercubes.
The mark ID of the hypercubes for end 'a'. Valid values are 1 and 2.
Must be set to hypercubes.
The mark ID of the hypercubes for end 'b'. Valid values are 1 and 2.
Temporary fixed end orientation vector ID.
The ID of the origin system for radial and tangential connections (modes 8, 9, 10, and 11).
1 – Free all edges on mvols on a_mark_id
2 – Free edges on mvols on a_mark_id from those on mvols on b_mark_id
3 – Fix all edges on mvols on a_mark_id to vector which are within 45 degrees
4 – Free all edges on mvols on a_mark_id within 45 degrees of vector
5 – Create master-slave connection between all edges on mvols on a_mark_id to all on mvols on b_mark_id within 60 degrees of each other
6 – Create continuous connection for all edges on mvols on a_mark_id within 60 degrees of each other
7 – Create continuous connection between all edges on mvols on a_mark_id to all on mvols on b_mark_id within 60 degrees of each other
8 – Free all edges on mvols on a_mark_id which run radially from the selected system
9 – Free all edges on mvols on a_mark_id which run tangentially about the selected system
10 – Create continuous connection for all edges on mvols on a_mark_id which run radially from the selected system within 60 degrees of each other
11 – Create continuous connection for all edges on mvols on a_mark_id which run tangentially about the selected system within 60 degrees of each other
12 – Create a continuous connection for all edges on mvols on a_mark_id within 30 degrees of vector


To create tangencies for all edges which connect roughly parallel end to end:

*createmark hypercubes 1 "all"
*createmark hypercubes 2
*createvector 1 1.0 0.0 0.0
*morphupdateendbymvol hypercubes 1 hypercubes 2 1 0 6

To free tangencies for all edges which run tangentially about a system:

*createmark hypercubes 1 "all"
*createmark hypercubes 2
*createvector 1 1.0 0.0 0.0
*morphupdateendbymvol hypercubes 1 hypercubes 2 1 1 9

To create a master-slave tangency for the edges on one morph volume to the edges on another morph volume:

*createmark hypercubes 1 14
*createmark hypercubes 2 15
*createvector 1 1.0 0.0 0.0
*morphupdateendbymvol hypercubes 1 hypercubes 2 1 0 5


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
