Deprecated Tcl Modify Commands
The list of deprecated Tcl modify commands, and the new commands to use.
Deprecated Commands | New Commands to Use |
*add_washer_elements | *add_multi_washer_elements |
*admasconnectivityupdatemultentselect | *admasconnectivityupdatemultentselectwithvisnod |
*admascreatemultentselect | *admascreatemultentselectwithsets |
*allowduplicateids | *setoption duplicate_ids |
*bagcreate | *createentity |
*bagentityupdate | *setvalue |
*beadboundsupdate | *setvalue |
*beadparamsupdate | *setvalue |
*beamsectioncreatestandard | *beamsectioncreatestandardsolver |
*bitmapanimationmode | *setoption bitmap_animation_mode |
*blockcreate | *createentity |
*blockupdate | *setvalue |
*cardcreate | *createentity |
*CE_FE_AbsorbAndCreate | |
*centroid1dmode | *setoption 1d_at_centroid |
*cleanuptoleranceset | *setoption cleanup_tolerance |
*clipboundaryelements | *setoption clip_boundary_elements |
*coarsen_and_decimate_mesh | *coarsen_and_decimate_mesh2 |
*coincidentnodepickmode | *setoption coincident_picking |
*coincidentpickmode | *setoption coincident_picking |
*collectorcreate | *createentity |
*collectorcreateonly | *createentity |
*collectorcreatesameas | *createentitysameas |
*compositeshuffledesvarcreate | *createentity |
*compositeshuffledesvarcreatewithlaminateoption | *createentity |
*compositeshuffledesvarupdate | *setvalue |
*compositeshuffledesvarupdatewithlaminateoption | *setvalue |
*compositeshufflepairingconstraintupdate | *setvalue |
*compositesizedesvarcreate | *createentity |
*compositesizedesvarcreatewithlaminateoption | *createentity |
*compositesizedesvarupdate | *setvalue |
*compositesizedesvarupdatewithlaminateoption | *setvalue |
*compositesizelaminatethicknessupdate | *setvalue |
*connect_surfaces | *connect_surfaces_11 |
*connect_surfaces_over_edges | *connect_surfaces_11 |
*control_sum | *control_sum_2 |
*createellipsoid | *createellipsoids |
*createellipsoidbypoint | *createellipsoidsbypoints |
*create2dseatbelt | *createseatbelt |
*create2dseatbeltwithmeshelementsize | *createseatbelt |
*create_sbelt | *createseatbelt |
*create_sbelt2D | *createseatbelt |
*createblockwithsystem | *createentity |
*createnode | *createentity |
*createseatbeltline | *createseatbelt |
*createseatbeltsurfaceandlines | *createseatbelt |
*createsimpleblock | *createentity |
*ddvaladdrange | *setvalue |
*ddvaladdvalues | *setvalue |
*ddvalcreate | *createentity |
*deleteelementsmode | *setoption delete_elements_mode |
*dequationcreate | *createentity |
*dequationupdate | *setvalue |
*desvarlinkcreate | *createentity |
*desvarlinkcreatewithfunction | *createentity |
*desvarlinkupdate | *setvalue |
*desvarlinkupdatewithfunction | *setvalue |
*detailedelements | *setoption detailed_elements |
*detailedelements_beamvis | *setoption detailed_elements_beamvis |
*detailedelements_shellvis | *setoption detailed_elements_shellvis |
*dictionaryload | *createentity/*setvalue |
*dictionaryreset | *setvalue |
*dictionaryresetsolver | *setvalue |
*dictionaryupdatebymark | *setvalue |
*dictionaryupdateentry | *setvalue |
*displayimporterrors | *setoption display_import_errors |
*dvprelcreate | *createentity |
*dvprelupdate | *setvalue |
*elementhandle | *setoption element_handle |
*elementorder | *setoption element_order |
*elementqualityoptimizeelement | *elementqualityoptimizeelementnew |
*elementqualityoptimizenode | *elementqualityoptimizenodenew |
*elementqualityoptimizenode1 | *elementqualityoptimizenodenew |
*elementqualityplacenode | *elementqualityplacenodenew |
*elementqualityplacenode1 | *elementqualityplacenodenew |
*elementqualitysmoothnodes | *elementqualitysmoothnodesnew |
*elementqualityswapedge | *elementqualityswapedgenew |
*elementsizeset | *setoption element_size |
*ellipsoidupdate | *setvalue |
*entityhighlighting | *setoption entity_highlighting |
*entitysetaddentities | *setvalue |
*entitysetcreate | *createentity |
*entitysetcreatelist | *createentity |
*entitysetdelentities | *setvalue |
*entitysetupdate | *setvalue |
*entitysetupdatelist | *setvalue |
*entitysuppressactive | *setvalue |
*entitysuppressoutput | *setvalue |
*equationhandle | *setoption equation_handle |
*equationupdate | *setvalue |
*equationupdateallconstant | *setvalue |
*equationupdatealldofswts | *setvalue |
*exponentialdisplay | *setoption exponential_display |
*featureangleset | *setoption feature_angle |
*feinput | *feinputwithdata2 |
*feinput2 | *feinputwithdata2 |
*feinputdefault | *feinputwithdata2 |
*feinputwithdata | *feinputwithdata2 |
*feoutput | *feoutputwithdata |
*feoutputtimeinfo | *setoption feoutput_time_info |
*fieldofview | *setoption perspective_fov |
*findflangesend/*findflangesinit/*findflangesproximityshell/*findflangestoposhell | hm_flangedetectioninit family of commands |
*findholesend/*findholesinit/*findholesshell/*findholessolid | hm_holedetectioninit family of commands |
*findnodesbetweencomponents | *findbetween |
*fixedpointhandle | *setoption fixed_point_handle |
*forcetextblack | *setoption force_text_black |
*formulasetcreate | *createentity |
*formulasetcreateall | *createentity |
*formulasetcreatelist | *createentity |
*formulasetcreaterange | *createentity |
*formulasetcreaterangewithexcept | *createentity |
*formulasetdeleteclause | *setvalue |
*freeshapedesvarcreate | *createentity |
*freeshapedesvarcreatewithsetoption | *createentity |
*freeshapedesvarupdate | *setvalue |
*freeshapedesvarupdatewithsetoption | *setvalue |
*freeshapedrawextrusionpdate | *setvalue |
*freeshapegridconstraintsupdate | *setvalue |
*freeshapegridconstraintsupdatewithsetoption | *setvalue |
*freeshapeparametersupdate | *setvalue |
*freeshapeparametersupdatewithlimits | *setvalue |
*freeshapeparametersupdatewithsmoothing | *setvalue |
*freeshapeparametersupdatewithtransition | *setvalue |
*freeshapepatternupdate | *setvalue |
*freeshapesideconstraintsbarrierupdatebyblocks | *setvalue |
*freeshapesideconstraintsbarrierupdatemanual | *setvalue |
*freesizedesvarcreate | *createentity |
*freesizedesvarcreatewithlaminateoption | *createentity |
*freesizedesvarcreatewithstackoption | *createentity |
*freesizedesvarupdate | *setvalue |
*freesizedesvarupdatewithlaminateoption | *setvalue |
*freesizedesvarupdatewithstackoption | *setvalue |
*freesizelaminatethicknessupdate | *setvalue |
*freesizeparametersupdate | *setvalue |
*freesizeparametersupdatewithfatigue | *setvalue |
*freesizepatternupdate | *setvalue |
*freesizerepetitionupdate | *setvalue |
*freesizesymmetryupdate | *setvalue |
*freesizeupdatetapeattribute | *setvalue |
*freesizezonebasedupdate | *setvalue |
*gaugedesvarcreate | *createentity |
*gaugedesvarcreategeneralized | *createentity |
*gaugedesvarcreatewithddvalfield | *createentity |
*gaugedesvarupdate | *setvalue |
*gaugedesvarupdategeneralized | *setvalue |
*gaugedesvarupdatewithddvalfield | *setvalue |
*geometrytoleranceset | *setoption cleanup_tolerance |
*geomfeatureangleset | *setoption geom_feature_angle |
*geomoutputdata | *geomexport |
*geomoutputdata2 | *geomexport |
*geomstitching | *setoption geom_stitching |
*graphic_label | *setoption load_solver_label |
*graphicsfileblankbackground | *setoption graphics_file_blank_background |
*graphicsimplificationmode | *setoption
graphics_simplification_component *setoption graphics_simplification_mode |
*hf_CheckDieModuleElements | |
*hf_CreateAutomaticTL | |
*hf_trim | *hf_trim_multi |
*hm_autocleanup | *autotopocleanup |
*hm_auto_elem_cleanup | *hm_auto_elem_cleanup_new |
*hyperbeambatch | |
*iges_write | *geomexport |
*iges_write_units | *geomexport |
*importacis | *geomimport |
*importdes | *geomimport |
*importdxf | *geomimport |
*importinca | *geomimport |
*importparasolid | *geomimport |
*importpdgs | *geomimport |
*interfacecreate | *createentity |
*interfacecreatewithid | *createentity |
*laminatecreate | *createentity |
*laminateupdate | *setvalue |
*linefromsurfedge | *linefromsurfedgecomp |
*linehandle | *setoption line_handle |
*linemarkcombine | *linecombine |
*linemesh_preparedata | *linemesh_preparedata1 |
*linemesh_preparenodeslist | *linemesh_preparenodeslist1 |
*linemesh_savedata | *linemesh_savedata1 |
*linemesh_savedata_bar | *linemesh_savedata_bar1 |
*loadhandle | *setoption load_handle |
*loadlabel | *setoption load_label |
*loadlabelsetcolor | *setoption load_label_color |
*loadsize | *setoption load_size_magnitude *setoption load_size_type *setoption load_size_uniform |
*loadstepscreate | *createentity |
*loadstepscreatesameas | *createentitysameas |
*loadvisualvector | *setoption load_visual_vector |
*marksuppressactive | *setvalue |
*marksuppressoutput | *setvalue |
*maskmark | *maskentitymark |
*meshdragelements | *meshdragelements2 |
*meshspinelements | *meshspinelements2 |
*midsurface_extract_new | *midsurface_extract_10 |
*midsurface_offset_by_targets | *midsurface_offset_by_targets_11 |
*mixedpropertywarning | *setoption mixed_property_warning |
*morphaddconstraint | *morphconstraintcreatefc |
*morphaddconstraintline | *morphconstraintcreateline |
*morphaddconstraintplane | *morphconstraintcreateplane |
*morphaddconstraintsurface | *morphconstraintcreatesurf |
*morphaddconstraintvector | *morphconstraintcreatevec |
*morphalterangle | *morphalteranglevec |
*morphaltercurvature | *morphaltercurvectr |
*morphalterdistance | *morphalterdistancevec |
*morphalterradius | *morphaltercurvectr |
*morphcreate | *morphcreatedomaindc |
*morphcreatedomain | *morphcreatedomaindc |
*morphcreatedomainglobal | *morphcreatedomainglobalnodes |
*morphmanualapply | *morphmanualapplyenvelope |
*morphmapedgestoequation | *morphmapedgestoequationoffset |
*morphmapedgestoline | *morphmapedgestolineoffset |
*morphmapedgestonodes | *morphmapedgestonodesoffset |
*morphmapedgestoplane | *morphmapedgestoplaneoffset |
*morphmapedgestosurface | *morphmapedgestosurfaceoffset |
*morphmapedgestotacit | *morphmapedgestotacitoffset |
*morphmaptoequation | *morphmaptoequationvecoffset |
*morphmaptoequationvec | *morphmaptoequationvecoffset |
*morphmaptoline | *morphmaptolinevecoffset |
*morphmaptolinenodes | *morphmaptolinenodesoffset |
*morphmaptolineoffset | *morphmaptolinenodesoffset |
*morphmaptolinevec | *morphmaptolinevecoffset |
*morphmaptonodesnodes | *morphmaptonodesnodesoffset |
*morphmaptonodesvec | *morphmaptonodesvecoffset |
*morphmaptoplane | *morphmaptoplanevecoffset |
*morphmaptoplanevec | *morphmaptoplanevecoffset |
*morphmaptosurface | *morphmaptosurfacevecoffset |
*morphmaptosurfacevec | *morphmaptosurfacevecoffset |
*morphmaptotacitvec | *morphmaptotacitvecoffset |
*morphnodesequa | *morphnodesequaoffset |
*morphnodesequaenvelope | *morphnodesequaoffset |
*morphnodesline | *morphnodeslineoffset |
*morphnodeslineenvelope | *morphnodeslineoffset |
*morphnodesmesh | *morphnodesmeshoffset |
*morphnodesmeshenvelope | *morphnodesmeshoffset |
*morphnodesnodes | *morphnodesnodesoffset |
*morphnodesnodesenvelope | *morphnodesnodesoffset |
*morphnodesnormal | *morphnodesnormalenvelope |
*morphnodesplane | *morphnodesplaneoffset |
*morphnodesplaneenvelope | *morphnodesplaneoffset |
*morphnodesrotate | *morphnodesrotateenvelope |
*morphnodesshape | *morphnodesshapeenvelope |
*morphnodessurf | *morphnodessurfoffset |
*morphnodessurfenvelope | *morphnodessurfoffset |
*morphnodestranslate | *morphnodestranslateenvelope |
*morphnodesvector | *morphnodesvectoroffset |
*morphnodesvectorenvelope | *morphnodesvectoroffset |
*morphorganizedomainedge | *morphcombineedges |
*morphpositionshape | *morphpositionshapemark |
*morphreflectshape | *morphreflectshapemark |
*morphremesh | *morphremeshedges |
*morphsculptmesh | *morphsculptmesh3 |
*morphsculptmesh2 | *morphsculptmesh3 |
*morphsculptmeshfea | *morphsculptmesh3 |
*morphshapecreate | *morphshapecreatecolor |
*morphsymmetrycreate | *morphsymmetrycreateaxis |
*morphsymmetryupdatebys | *morphsymmetryupdateaxis |
*morphtranslateshape | *morphtranslateshapemark |
*morphupdategraphics | *morphupdateparameter |
*morphupdateparameter domainicons | *setoption domain_handle |
*multibodycreate | *createentity |
*multibodycreate_body | *createentity |
*multibodycreate_duplicate | *createentitysameas |
*multibodycreate_use | *createentity |
*nodesassociatetosolid | *nodesassociatetogeometry |
*nodesassociatetosurface | *nodesassociatetogeometry |
*normalsadjust | *normalsadjust2 |
*optimized_elements_remesh | *optimized_elements_remesh2 |
*optitableentrycreate | *tablecreate and *tableaddrow |
*optitableentryupdate | *tableupdaterow |
*ossmooth | *ossmooth2 |
*ossmooth_post | *ossmooth2 |
*outputblockscreate | *createentity |
*perspectiveview | *setoption perspective_view |
*picktoleranceset | *setoption pick_tolerance |
*plycreate | *createentity |
*plythicknessfactor | *setoption ply_thickness_factor |
*plyrealization | *plyrealization_option |
*plyupdate | *setvalue |
*reset_qa_calculator | *setqualitycriteria |
*reset_qa_calculator_from_file | *readqualitycriteria |
*restoreview | *restoreviewmask |
*resultcolortypemode | *setoption contour_type |
*retainloads | *setoption retain_loads |
*rotationangleset | *setoption rotation_angle_set |
*rotationcentermode | *setoption rotation_center_mode |
*rotationcenteroffscreen | *setoption rotation_center_off_screen |
*saveview | *saveviewmask |
*secondorderfix | *secondorderfix2 |
*separate_holes_in_3d_body | *separate_holes_in_3d_body_new |
*setautomeshcolormode | *setoption auto_mesh_color_mode |
*setbackgroundcolor | *setoption background_colors |
*setbackgroundcolors | *setoption background_colors |
*setchordaledgeparams | *set_meshedgeparams |
*setdisplaycolor | *setoption display_color |
*setedgemeshparams | *set_meshedgeparams |
*setelementcolormode | *setoption element_color_mode |
*setelementinternaledgesmode | *setoption element_internal_edges_mode |
*setfacemeshparams | *set_meshfaceparams |
*setgeomrefinelevel | *setoption geom_refine_level |
*setgeomtopologydisplay | *setoption topology_display_mode |
*setgraphicsengine | |
*setlodthreshold | *setoption lod_threshold |
*sethvlaunchflag | *setoption hv_launch_flag |
*setmeshlodthreshold | *setoption mesh_lod_threshold |
*setmeshlinecolor | *setoption mesh_line_color |
*setmeshtransparency | *setoption mesh_transparency |
*setperformancenormalmode | *setoption performance_normal |
*setscaleoption | *setoption scale_color *setoption scale_height *setoption scale_position *setoption scale_width |
*setspecularity | *setoption lighting_mode=0, and specular_intensity |
*settopologydisplay | *setoption topology_display_mode |
*settopologydisplayall | *setoption topology_display_mode |
*settopologydisplaymode | *setoption topology_display_mode |
*settopologyedgedisplay | *setoption topology_edge_display_mode |
*settopologysoliddisplay | *setoption solid_transparency *setoption topology_solid_display_mode |
*settransparentwithmeshlines | *setoption transparent_with_mesh_lines |
*shapedesvarcreate | *shpdesvarcreate |
*shapedesvarsupdate | *shpdesvarupdate |
*showcompositelayers | *setoption show_composite_layers |
*showgeomlinedir | *setoption show_line_dir |
*showglobalaxes | *setoption show_global_axes |
*showscale | *setoption show_scale |
*shrink | *setoption shrink_factor *setoption shrink_mode |
*simulationset | *inputsimulation |
*solid_spin_from_surfs | *solidcreatespinsurfwithoffsetangle |
*sphgenerate | *sphgenerate_new |
*spinlinetoformsurface | *surfacecreatespinlinewithoffsetangle |
*spinnodestoformsurface | *surfacecreatespinnodeswithoffsetangle |
*stereodisplay | *setoption stereo_display |
*storeAMelemstodatabase | *storemeshtodatabase |
*surface_chordalmesh | *defaultremeshsurf |
*surfacefiller | *surfacesplinefillholes and *surfacesplineonlinesloop |
*surfacemarkcombine | *selfstitchcombine |
*surfacereversenormals | *surfacereversenormals2 |
*surfacesextendintersect | *connect_surfaces_11 |
*surfacesplineonnodesloop | *surfacesplineonnodesloop2 |
*surfaceuvlines | *setoption surface_uv_lines |
*surfmarkoffsetplusminus | *offset_surfaces_and_modify |
*systemcreate | *system |
*systemdeleteunused | *EntityPreviewUnused and *deletemark |
*systempreviewunused | *EntityPreviewUnused |
*systemsize | *setoption system_size |
*tagcreate | *createentity |
*tagcreatelabelbyid | *createentity |
*tagdisplay | *setoption tag_display |
*tagtextdisplaymode | *setoption tag_text_display_mode |
*tagupdate | *setvalue |
*tagupdatedescription | *setvalue |
*tagupdateentity | *setvalue |
*tetra_cfdmesh | *tetmesh |
*tetra_cfdmesh_transition | *tetmesh |
*tetra_remesh | *tetmesh |
*tetra_remesh_transition | *tetmesh |
*tetra_volumemesh | *tetmesh |
*tetra_volumemesh_transition | *tetmesh |
*tetramesh | *tetmesh |
*tetramesh_transition | *tetmesh |
*thick1dlines | *setoption thick_1d_lines |
*thickmeshlines | *setoption thick_mesh_lines |
*toleranceset | *setoption node_tolerance |
*topographydesvarcreate | *createentity |
*topographydesvarupdate | *setvalue |
*topographypatternupdate | *topographypatternvaluesupdate |
*trim_elements | *trim_elements2 |
*trim_elems_by_circular_hole | *trim_elems_by_multi_circular_hole |
*unmaskmark | *unmaskentitymark |
*unmaskmarkedelements | *unmaskentitymark |
*updateblock | *setvalue |
*updateblocks | *setvalue |
*updateblockwithsystem | *setvalue |
*updatecolor | |
*updateincludedata | *updateincludedata2 |
*updatesimpleblock | *setvalue |
*vectorautoscale | *setoption vector_auto_scale |
*vectorcreate | *createentity |
*vectorcreate_twonode | *createentity |
*vectordrawoptions | *setoption vector_size_magnitude *setoption vector_size_type *setoption vector_size_uniform |
*vectorhandle | *setoption vector_handle |
*vectorlabel | *setoption vector_label |
*writeh3d | *writeh3dwithoptions |
*writeh3dtofile | *writeh3dwithoptions |
*writeh3dwithorienttofile | *writeh3dwithoptions |
*writeh3dwithtitlestofile | *writeh3dwithoptions |
*writequalitycriteria | *writecurrentqualitycriteria |
*zoomfactorset | *setoption zoom_factor |