
Makes sure that a child system lies within the specified euler angle bounds with respect to the parent child system. If it does not, it moves the child system in the most direct path so that it does.


*systemorthobound child system id parent system id xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


Makes sure that a child system lies within the specified euler angle bounds with respect to the parent child system. If it does not, it moves the child system in the most direct path so that it does.


child system id
The ID of the child system – the system that will be moved if it is not within the bounds of the parent.
parent system id
The ID of the parent system.
The minimum x euler angle.
The maximum x euler angle.
The minimum y euler angle.
The maximum y euler angle.
The minimum z euler angle.
The maximum z euler angle.


Two systems, system 1 and system 2, are slightly misaligned and need to be reset. We want system 2 to be aligned exactly with system 1. Use the following command:

*systemorthobound(2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

System 2 should be no more than +/-10 euler degrees on the x axis from System 1. If it is, it should be aligned to fall within those bounds. Use the following command:

*systemorthobound(2, 1, -10, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0)

When it is determined that the child system does not lie within the bounds of the parent system, the three euler angles are first independently set so that they lie within the min and max parameters. The child system is then reset and rotated to its new position. Therefore, for the following case:

*systemorthobound(2, 1, -10, -10, -10, 10, 10, 10)

Where system 2’s euler difference (with respect to system 1) is 20, -30, 5, system 2 will be rotated so that it goes to 10, -10, 5.

Because there are many euler angles for different system positions, unpredictable results may occur if the systems are not already closely aligned and when there is a great difference between the min and max parameters.

