Returns a valid entity ID that can be used to renumber both the creating and mapping entities.
hm_getentityinfo entity_type definition ?option=<value>?
HyperMesh Tcl Query
This command returns definition information for an entity, either corresponding to the data name specified or all data names for that entity.
- entity_type
- The entity type to query.
- definition
- The definition to query. If dataname is not specified, values for all data names of the specified entity_type are returned. Return values for all definitions are in the same order so they are easily matched together. If data_name is specified, only the definition value for that data name is returned.
- option=<value>
- The option to be used to modify the command return value. Only one option can be used at a time:
To get all of the data names for elements:
hm_getentityinfo elems namedidentifier
To get all the array dimension of the component data name 'elements':
hm_getentityinfo comps arraydimension dataname=elements
To get all the data names associated with region config 1:
hm_getentityinfo regions namedidentifier config=1
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
# Handle error
Version History