
Returns a valid entity ID that can be used to renumber both the creating and mapping entities.


hm_getentityinfo entity_type definition ?option=<value>?


HyperMesh Tcl Query


This command returns definition information for an entity, either corresponding to the data name specified or all data names for that entity.


The entity type to query.
The definition to query. If dataname is not specified, values for all data names of the specified entity_type are returned. Return values for all definitions are in the same order so they are easily matched together. If data_name is specified, only the definition value for that data name is returned.
Valid definition types are:
arraydimension - Returns 0 for data names that are single values, 1 for arrays.
datatype - Returns the data type name (string, integer, double, etc...).
displayname - Returns the Property Editor default display name.
editable - Returns the Property Editor editable state EDITABLE or NONEDITABLE.
namedidentifier - Returns the data name string name.
visible - Returns the Property Editor visibility state VISIBLE or INVISIBLE.
The option to be used to modify the command return value. Only one option can be used at a time:
  • The return values will only be those associated with the specific entity type config. This is not valid for entities without a config, nor for legacy entities that do have a config (such as elems, loads, groups, beamsects, laminates, tables, bags).
dataname=<data name>
  • The return value will only be for the specified data name.


To get all of the data names for elements:

hm_getentityinfo elems namedidentifier

To get all the array dimension of the component data name 'elements':

hm_getentityinfo comps arraydimension dataname=elements

To get all the data names associated with region config 1:

hm_getentityinfo regions namedidentifier config=1


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
