2019 API Programmer's Guide

Connectors Outside of Components

Historically, connector entities have been contained in components since their first inception. As we move to a more modular architecture, we wanted to eliminate this occasionally problematic relationship. While elements created during a connector realization are still contained in components, connector entities are no longer be contained within components.

This provides multiple benefits:
  • Deleting components no longer deletes connectors
  • Connectors now have their own active/inactive state that is independent from the component active/inactive state. This helps facilitate easier configuration management.
  • Connector realizations have no dependency on the connector’s component. It is clearer that the realization component organization is independent from the connector’s own organization.
  • The connector organization is being made more flexible moving forward. For HyperMesh 2019, connectors can be uncontained, or can exclusively be contained in new connector groups. Connector sets are also planned for the future, to offer other ways for non-exclusive collections of connectors. These new connector collection paradigms will help to more easily relate connectors to includes, and to subsystems.

We are aware that some use cases (and user scripts) may depend upon the old logic that collected connectors in components. We understand these use cases to primarily focus on grouping connectors into different exclusive buckets (for other intended processing). To aid users in the transition away from this old relationship, we have created a new connector group entity. Every connector can OPTIONALLY belong to at most one connector group.

To ease the transition of older scripts to the new paradigm, we have inserted some helpful logic into core commands which should help to minimize any script rewriting. Since we cannot anticipate every possible variation of code flow using the old assumptions, we will list the processing updates we have developed. This should help to easily update any old scripts if our attempts at helpful logic do not keep such scripts working correctly.
  • During .hm file read a connector group is automatically created for each component that contains connector entities in the file. When possible the new connector group is given the same name and ID as the component that previously owned the connector entity. If the name/ID is not available, standard conflict resolution rules are used. The connector entity is then moved to the newly created connector group. Realization entities (such as elements) are not moved from their pre-existing components.
  • Having connectors contained in a connector group is entirely optional. For this reason, there is no concept of a current connector group. Pre-existing customization code flows that depended upon the current component to collect newly created connectors may need to be reworked. Updated code could manually create a connector group, and manually move the newly created connectors to this group. Alternatively, connector marks, Tcl lists, or Tcl arrays could be employed to capture the list of connectors the script wishes to process.
  • The following APIs will scan through the connector groups as the connector collector (regardless if you use the "by collector" or "by comp*" arguments). In all the below API examples, "ce" is short for "connector entity". A "ce_group" denotes a "connector entity group".
    *appendmark connectors 1 "by collector" $ce_group_name_or_id
    *appendmark connectors 1 "by comp" $ce_group_name_or_id
    *appendmark connectors 1 "by comp id" $ce_group_id
    *appendmark connectors 1 "by comp name" $ce_group_name
    *createmark connectors 1 "by collector" $ce_group_name_or_id
    *createmark connectors 1 "by comp" $ce_group_name_or_id
    *createmark connectors 1 "by comp id" $ce_group_id
    *createmark connectors 1 "by comp name" $ce_group_name
    hm_appendmark connectors 1 "by collector" $ce_group_name_or_id
    hm_appendmark connectors 1 "by comp" $ce_group_name_or_id
    hm_appendmark connectors 1 "by comp id" $ce_group_id
    hm_appendmark connectors 1 "by comp name" $ce_group_name
    hm_ce_detailget $ce_id int ce_collectorid
    hm_ce_detailget $ce_id string ce_collectorname
    hm_ce_getcollector $ce_id id
    hm_ce_getcollector $ce_name name
    hm_ce_info $ce_id collectorid
    hm_ce_info $ce_id collectorname
    hm_createmark connectors 1 "by collector" $ce_group_name_or_id
    hm_createmark connectors 1 "by comp" $ce_group_name_or_id
    hm_createmark connectors 1 "by comp id" $ce_group_id
    hm_createmark connectors 1 "by comp name" $ce_group_name

Elements to Solvermass

The LS-DYNA keyword /ADMAS has been mapped from the element entity to the new solvermass entity. See the solvermasses data names documentation for more details.

Scripts that created or queried the element entity for this keyword must be updated to use the solvermass entity. Note that solver ID pools are no longer required with this new entity type as well. Below are a few examples.

To create a /ADMAS keyword, create a solvermass entity with config 201:
*createentity solvermass config=201
To update the values of different data names like type, setid and masses:
*setvalue solvermass id=$id type=$type
*setvalue solvermass id=$id setid=$set_id
*setvalue solvermass id=$id masses={$mass_value1 $mass_value2 $mass_value3}

Groups to Alefsiprojections

The LS-DYNA keyword *ALE_FSI_PROJECTION has been mapped from the group entity to the new alefsiprojections entity. See the alefsiprojections data names documentation for more details.

Scripts that created or queried the group entity for this keyword must be updated to use the alefsiprojections entity. Note that solver ID pools are no longer required with this new entity type as well. Below are a few examples.

To create an *ALE_FSI_PROJECTION keyword, create an alefsiprojection entity with config 101:
*createentity alefsiprojections config=101
To update the values of different data names like alesid, birth and death:
*setvalue alefsiprojections id=$id alesid=$ale_set_id
*setvalue alefsiprojections id=$id birth=0.0
*setvalue alefsiprojections id=$id death=10000000000

Groups to Alereferencesystemcurves

The LS-DYNA keyword *ALE_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_CURVE has been mapped from the group entity to the new alereferencesystemcurves entity. See the alereferencesystemcurves data names documentation for more details.

Scripts that created or queried the group entity for this keyword must be updated to use the alereferencesystemcurves entity. Note that solver ID pools are no longer required with this new entity type as well. Below are a few examples.

To create an *ALE_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_CURVE keyword, create an alereferencesystemcurve entity with config 101:
*createentity alereferencesystemcurves config=101
To update the values of different data names like lcid1 and lcid2:
*setvalue alereferencesystemcurves id=$id lcid1=$curve_1
*setvalue alereferencesystemcurves id=$id lcid1=$curve_2

Groups to Alereferencesystemgroups

The LS-DYNA keyword *ALE_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_GROUP has been mapped from the group entity to the new alereferencesystemgroups entity. See the alereferencesystemgroups data names documentation for more details.

Scripts that created or queried the group entity for this keyword must be updated to use the alereferencesystemgroups entity. Note that solver ID pools are no longer required with this new entity type as well. Below are a few examples.

To create an *ALE_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_GROUP keyword, create an alereferencesystemgroup entity with config 101:
*createentity alereferencesystemgroups config=101
To update the values of different data names like expansionConstr and type:
*setvalue alereferencesystemgroups id=$id expansionConstr=$ec
*setvalue alereferencesystemgroups id=$id type=10

Groups to Alereferencesystemnodes

The LS-DYNA keyword *ALE_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_NODE has been mapped from the group entity to the new alereferencesystemnodes entity. See the alereferencesystemnodes data names documentation for more details.

Scripts that created or queried the group entity for this keyword must be updated to use the alereferencesystemnodes entity. Note that solver ID pools are no longer required with this new entity type as well. Below are a few examples.

To create an *ALE_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_NODE keyword, create an alereferencesystemnode entity with config 101:
*createentity alereferencesystemnodes config=101
To update the values of different data names like nid1 and nid2:
*setvalue alereferencesystemnodes id=$id nid1=$nodeId1
*setvalue alereferencesystemnodes id=$id nid2=$nodeId2

Groups to Alereferencesystemswitches

The LS-DYNA keyword *ALE_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_SWITCH has been mapped from the group entity to the new alereferencesystemswitches entity. See the alereferencesystemswitches data names documentation for more details.

Scripts that created or queried the group entity for this keyword must be updated to use the alereferencesystemswitches entity. Note that solver ID pools are no longer required with this new entity type as well. Below are a few examples.

To create an *ALE_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_SWITCH keyword, create an alereferencesystemswitch entity with config 101:
*createentity alereferencesystemswitches config=101
To update the values of different data names like id1, t1 and type1:
*setvalue alereferencesystemswitches id=$id id1=$alerefsysgroupId1
*setvalue alereferencesystemswitches id=$id t1=$t1
*setvalue alereferencesystemswitches id=$id type1=$type1

Groups to Alesmoothings

The LS-DYNA keyword *ALE_SMOOTHING has been mapped from the group entity to the new alesmoothings entity. See the alesmoothings data names documentation for more details.

Scripts that created or queried the group entity for this keyword must be updated to use the alesmoothings entity. Note that solver ID pools are no longer required with this new entity type as well. Below are a few examples.

To create an *ALE_SMOOTHING keyword, create an alesmoothing entity with config 101:
*createentity alesmoothings config=101
To update the values of different data names like slavenodeid, firstmasternodeid and secondmasternodeid:
*setvalue alesmoothings id=$id slavenodeid=$slaveNodeId
*setvalue alesmoothings id=$id firstmasternodeid=$firstMasterNodeId
*setvalue alesmoothings id=$id secondmasternodeid=$secondMasterNodeId

Groups to Aletanktests

The LS-DYNA keyword *ALE_TANK_TEST has been mapped from the group entity to the new aletanktests entity. See the aletanktests data names documentation for more details.

Scripts that created or queried the group entity for this keyword must be updated to use the aletanktests entity. Note that solver ID pools are no longer required with this new entity type as well. Below are a few examples.

To create an *ALE_TANK_TEST keyword, create an aletanktest entity with config 101:
*createentity aletanktest config=101
To update the values of different data names like mdotlc, tankv and numpnt:
*setvalue aletanktest id=$id mdotlc=$curveId
*setvalue aletanktest id=$id tankv=$tankv
*setvalue aletanktest id=$id numpnt=50

Groups to Crosssections

The PAM-CRASH keyword SECFO, along with its outputs like PLANE, CONTACT, LINK, SECTION, SUPPORT, VOLFRAC, CONT_MS & DETECT, have been mapped from the group entity to the new crosssection entity. See the crosssections data names documentation for more details.

Scripts that created or queried the group entity for this keyword must be updated to use the crosssection entity. Note that solver ID pools are no longer required with this new entity type as well. Below are a few examples.

To create a SECFO keyword, create a crosssection entity with config 401:
*createentity crosssection config=401
To update the values of different data names like Radius:
*setvalue crosssection id=$id Radius=$radius

Groups to Interfacecomponents

The LS-DYNA keywords *INTERFACE_COMPONENT_NODE_<OPTION> and *INTERFACE_COMPONENT_SEGMENT_<OPTION> have been mapped from the group entity to the new interfacecomponents entity. See the interfacecomponents data names documentation for more details.

Scripts that created or queried the group entity for this keyword must be updated to use the interfacecomponents entity. Note that solver ID pools are no longer required with this new entity type as well. Below are a few examples.

To create an *INTERFACE_COMPONENT_NODE keyword, create an interfacecomponent entity with config 101:
*createentity interfacecomponents config=101
To create an *INTERFACE_COMPONENT_SEGMENT keyword, create an interfacecomponent entity with config 102:
*createentity interfacecomponents config=102
To update the values of different data names like setid and title:
*setvalue interfacecomponents id=$id setid=$setId
*setvalue interfacecomponents id=$id title=1

Groups to Interfacelinkings

The LS-DYNA keywords *INTERFACE_LINKING_DISCRETE_NODE_<OPTION>, *INTERFACE_LINKING_EDGE and *INTERFACE_LINKING_SEGMENT have been mapped from the group entity to the new interfacelinkings entity. See the interfacecomponents data names documentation for more details.

Scripts that created or queried the group entity for this keyword must be updated to use the interfacelinkings entity. Note that solver ID pools are no longer required with this new entity type as well. Below are a few examples.

To create an *INTERFACE_LINKING_DISCRETE_NODE_<OPTION> keyword, create an interfacelinking entity with config 101:
*createentity interfacelinkings config=101
To create an *INTERFACE_LINKING_EDGE keyword, create an interfacelinking entity with config 102:
*createentity interfacelinkings config=102
To create an *INTERFACE_LINKING_SEGMENT keyword, create an interfacelinking entity with config 102:
*createentity interfacelinkings config=103
To update the values of different data names like segmentids and interfaceidlist:
*setvalue interfacelinkings id=$id segmentids={contactsurfs $segmentIds}
*setvalue interfacelinkings id=$id interfaceidlist=$interfaceId

Groups and Loadcollectors to Rigidwalls

The Radioss keywords /RWALL/CYL, /RWALL/PARAL, /RWALL/PLANE, /RWALL/SPHER and /RWALL/THERM have been mapped from the group entity to the new rigidwall entity.

The OptiStruct keyword RWALL has been mapped from the group entity to the new rigidwall entity.

The OptiStruct keyword RWALADD has been mapped from the loadcollector entity to the new rigidwall entity.

See the rigidwalls data names documentation for more details.

Scripts that created or queried the group or loadcollector entity for this keyword must be updated to use the rigidwall entity. Note that solver ID pools are no longer required with this new entity type as well. Below are a few examples.

To create a /RWAL keyword, create a rigidwall entity with config 201:
*createentity rigidwall config=201
To create a RWALL keyword, create a rigidwall entity with config 301:
*createentity rigidwall config=301
To create a RWALADD keyword, create a rigidwall entity with config 302:
*createentity rigidwall config=302
To update the values of different data names like slidingflag and diameter:
*setvalue rigidwall id=$id slidingflag=2
*setvalue rigidwall id=$id diameter=$10.5

Properties to Failures

The Radioss keywords /FAIL/<OPTION> have been mapped from the property entity to the new failure entity. See the failures data names documentation for more details.

Scripts that created or queried the property entity for this keyword must be updated to use the failure entity. Note that solver ID pools are no longer required with this new entity type as well. Below are a few examples.

To create a /FAIL/CHANG keyword, create a failure entity with config 202:
*createentity failure config=202
To update the values of different data names like Sigma:
*setvalue failure id=$id Sigma=$sigma

Model Checker

The Model Checker customization capabilities have changed. See the Model Checker documentation for the latest behaviors.

New Commands

Modified Commands

The following commands have modified behavior that potentially require script updates:

  • Connectors
    • hm_ce_detailget - See the above section on "Connectors Outside of Components".
    • hm_ce_getcollector - See the above section on "Connectors Outside of Components". This command is previously deprecated.
    • hm_ce_info - See the above section on "Connectors Outside of Components".
  • General/Core
The following commands have new options or enhanced capabilities. Existing scripts are not affected and only need to be updated if usage of the new functionality is desired:
  • Collision
  • Data Names
    • accelerometers - Added new data names cutoff, nodeid and skewid. Added config 201.
    • assemblies - Added new data names distributedmass, engineeringmass, lumpedmass, mass, nonstructuralmass, rigidbodymass, solverpartmass, structuralmass, totalmass and transferredmass.
    • components – Added new data names festyle and geomstyle. Support added for Radioss to distributedmass, engineeringmass, lumpedmass, rigidbodymass, solvertpartmass and totalmass.
    • crosssections - Added config 401. Added new data names cnode3_x, cnode3_y, cnode3_z, cnode4_x, cnode4_y, cnode4_z, cornernode3, cornernode4, elementities, elementities_count, elementities_type, idesph, nodeentities, nodeentities_count, nodeentities_type, nodeentities_2, nodeentities2_count, nodeentities2_type, secfotype, vcrit and VolumeFractionType.
    • designvars
      • free size - Added new data names groupdefnoption and size.
      • shape - Added new data name delxvtoggle.
      • size - Added new data name delxvtoggle.
      • topography - Added new data names autobead, ddvalid, layer, maxwidth, minheightratio, setlist, remesh, thresh and zerob.
      • topology - Added new data names gridpointctrl, gridpointctrl2, overhang,overhangangle, overhangangtol, overhangdistol, overhangfirstgrid, overhangfirstgridtriple, overhangholes, overhangmethod, overhangnondes, overhangpenfac, overhangangpenshe, overhangangsecondgrid, overhangangsecondgridtriple, overhangstep and overhangsuppset.
    • directmatrixinputs - Added new data names bilist, counts_giciaibi and indexes_giciaibi.
    • elements – Added new data names plyidlist, plyidlistmax, refx, refy and refz.
    • includefiles - Added new data names idlist, supportedtypesandpools, typesandpools, typesandpoolswithreservedids and unsettypesandpools.
    • joints - Added new data names joint_triplelist, nodepath, nodepathcount, perpdistance and setperpdistance.
    • laminates - Added new data names cardimage and cardimagetype.
    • loadcols - Added new data names equations and loadtypes.
    • materials - Added new data names density, poissonsratio and youngsmodulus.
    • modules - Added new data names idlist, is_positioned, structural_type, supportedtypesandpools, typesandpools, typesandpoolswithreservedids and unsettypesandpools.
    • nodes - Added new data name tempflag.
    • opticonstraints - Added new data names locbuck, loweroption, lowertableid, upperoption and uppertableid.
    • opticontrols - Added new data names manthr and manthrtoggle.
    • optiresponses - Added new data names attj, cornerselection, extn, freq_val, highfq, lowfq, octave, octopt, option, radiossconfig, scale and subcasemodetracking.
    • parameters - Added new data name localname.
    • positions - Added new data names dataval, export_string, exportdatavaluemax, htf, ifile, impfil_fname, impfil_path, importname, ioutfram, ipf, iplot, numberofsourcecontrolmax, picexp_export_limit, picexp_export_point, picexp_exportpoint_qualifier, picexp_exportpoint_value1, picexp_exportpoint_value2, picexp_exportpoint_value3, picexp_exportpoint_value4, picexp_exportpoint_value5, picexp_exportpoint_value6, picexp_namepicexp, picexp_write, picimp_picmax, picimp_read, picimp_sidele, picimp_sidnod, picimp_smodule, picimp_source_control, picimp_source_control_qualifier, picimp_source_control_switch, picimp_source_module, picimp_source_shift_idele, picimp_source_shift_idnod, picimp_sourcefile, pick_mppn, pick_name, pick_restartfile, pick_time, pick_timevalue, rdist, sets, sets_count, shellvartype1, shellvartype2, Shellvartypemax, vars, varv, volumeeletype1, volumeeletype2 and volumeeletypemax.
    • properties - Added new data name thickness.
    • rigidwalls - Added new data names Angle, cnode1_x, cnode1_y, cnode1_z, cnode2_x, cnode2_y, cnode2_z, cornernode1, cornernode2, Diameter, desearch, fct_IDt, Filteringfactor, Filteringflag, Fscale_T, OS_NodeSet_ID, rigidwallcount, rigidwalls, slidingflag, ThermalOption and Thermalresistance.
    • titles - Added new data names fillcolor and transparency.
    • transformations - Added new data names by_node, euler_alpha1, euler_alpha2, euler_alpha3, IdNode1, IdNode2, IdNode3, interface_mapped_entity, matrix_theta11, matrix_theta12, matrix_theta13, matrix_theta21, matrix_theta22, matrix_theta23, matrix_theta31, matrix_theta32, matrix_theta33, node1, node2, reference_plane1, reference_plane1_x, reference_plane1_y, reference_plane1_z, reference_plane2, reference_plane2_x, reference_plane2_y, reference_plane2_z, reference_plane3, reference_plane3_x, reference_plane3_y, reference_plane3_z, reflect_point1, reflect_point1_x, reflect_point1_y, reflect_point1_z, reflect_point2, reflect_point2_x, reflect_point2_y, reflect_point2_z, rotational_vector, rotational_vector_x, rotational_vector_y, rotational_vector_z, scalefactor_x, scalefactor_y, scalefactor_z, sequence_num, symmetry_reset, translation_x, translation_y, translation_z and vectorbytwonodes.
  • General/Core
    • hm_entitylist - Added new optional mode argument.
    • hm_getcrossreferencedentities - Added new optional argument exclude_regions.
    • hm_getcrossreferencedentitiesmark - Added new optional argument exclude_regions.
    • hm_getmass - Added new optional mass_type argument.
    • *addfacestocontactsurfusingfacenumber - Added new optional arguments element_id and use_element_id.
    • hm_collisionentitycreate - Added new optional argument offset. Added values 300 and 300 to thickness_type.
    • *compactsubmodelids - Added new optional argument pool_id.
    • *contactsurfcreatewithfacesusingfacenumber - Added new optional arguments element_id and use_element_id.
    • *correctoverflowsubmodelentityids - Added new optional argument pool_id.
    • *createmarkpanel - Added new new face_edge_mode values 6 and 7.
    • *deleteidrange - Added new optional argument pool_id.
    • *exclusiveidrange - Added new optional argument pool_id.
    • *filewriteentities - Geometry facets are now also saved.
    • *ME_CoreBehaviorAdjust - Added new aspect allow_automatic_occurrence_splitting.
    • *setoption - Added new options alt_lmb_rmb_binding, alt_mmb_binding, alt_rmb_binding, auto_cleanuptol, auto_elementsize, auto_nodetol, contact_surface_peak_factor, contact_surface_percent, ctrl_lmb_rmb_binding, ctrl_mmb_binding, ctrl_rmb_binding, delete_discrete_topology_mode, dynamic_center_of_rotation, element_connectivity, fe_display, geom_display, geom_point, hide_panels_automatically, legend_beyond_threshold, lmb_rmb_binding, load_max_size, load_min_size, load_new_scaling, load_scale_type, mmb_binding, mouse_append_mode, mouse_mapping, mouse_over_highlighting, node_size, number_remesh_layers, ply_link_color_and_orientation, pr_auto_preserve_connections, pr_box_approach_node_set, pr_check_log, pr_custom_bbox_for_equivalence, pr_delete_src_comp, pr_invoke_model_checker, pr_keep_src_comp_cardimage, pr_keep_src_comp_id, pr_keep_src_comp_name, pr_keep_src_ent_type, pr_keep_src_include, pr_keep_src_mat, pr_keep_src_prop, pr_merge_nodes, pr_retain_plotel_elem_nodeIds_from_src_comp, pr_show_component_pairing, reverse_zoom_direction, rmb_binding, shift_lmb_rmb_binding, shift_mmb_binding, shift_rmb_binding, show_model_title, show_plots, solid_edge_width, surface_edge_width, topoedgecolor, topofacecolor, topofacemodetopology_edge_display_color, topology_solid_edge_display_color and topology_solid_edge_display_mode. Added new delete_elements_mode value 4.
    • *writefile - The behavior of the do_not_write_facets option has changed. Value 1 previously was used to not write facets, but now is the same as value 0. A new value 2 is now added to not write facets.
  • Geometry
  • Graphics
    • *view - Added new view_name values leftsidenofit, rightsidenofit, bottomnofit, topnofit, rearnofit, frontnofit and isonofit.
  • Meshing
    • hm_checkproximity - Added new optional arguments proximity_scheme and proximity_by_edge. Changed default beahvior of API to use proximity_scheme value 1.
    • hm_getedgeloops - Added new looptype Bit6 and Bit7 values. Added new optional arguments featureangle, refmarkid and restricttoinput.
    • hm_getelemcheckbounds - Added new check_type values minlength and maxlength for both 2D and 3D, and ortho_3d and size_ratio_3d for 3D.
    • hm_getelemcheckelems - Added new check_type values minlength and maxlength for both 2D and 3D, and ortho_3d and size_ratio_3d for 3D.
    • hm_getelemchecksummary3d - Added new option strings ortho_3d and size_ratio_3d.
    • hm_getelemcheckvalues - Added new check_type values minlength and maxlength for both 2D and 3D, and ortho_3d and size_ratio_3d for 3D.
    • hm_getelementcheckmethod - Added new check_name values ortho_3d and size_ratio_3d.
    • hm_proximityinit - Added new optional arguments proximity_scheme and proximity_by_edge. Changed default beahvior of API to use proximity_scheme value 1.
    • *coarsen_and_decimate_mesh2 - Added new options values for Bit5 and Bit6.
    • *coarsening_mesh - Corrected documented argument list to remove invalid reserved1, update_rigids, reserved2 and create_plotels arguments, and add correct options argument and description. Added new options values for Bit5 and Bit6.
    • *equivalence - Added support for entity_type nodes.
  • Model Checker

Deprecated Commands

While still continuing to work as before, the following are all deprecated by *createentity and may be removed in a future release:
  • *bagcreate
  • *blockcreate
  • *cardcreate
  • *collectorcreate
  • *collectorcreateonly
  • *compositeshuffledesvarcreate
  • *compositeshuffledesvarcreatewithlaminateoption
  • *compositesizedesvarcreate
  • *compositesizedesvarcreatewithlaminateoption
  • *createnode
  • *createblockwithsystem
  • *createsimpleblock
  • *ddvalcreate
  • *desvarlinkcreate
  • *desvarlinkcreatewithfunction
  • *dequationcreate
  • *dictionaryload
  • *dvprelcreate
  • *entitysetcreate
  • *entitysetcreatelist
  • *freeshapedesvarcreatewithsetoption
  • *formulasetcreate
  • *formulasetcreateall
  • *formulasetcreatelist
  • *formulasetcreaterange
  • *formulasetcreaterangewithexcept
  • *formulasetdeleteclause
  • *freeshapedesvarcreate
  • *freesizedesvarcreate
  • *freesizedesvarcreatewithlaminateoption
  • *freesizedesvarcreatewithstackoption
  • *interfacecreate
  • *interfacecreatewithid
  • *laminatecreate
  • *loadstepscreate
  • *multibodycreate
  • *multibodycreate_body
  • *multibodycreate_use
  • *outputblockscreate
  • *plycreate
  • *tagcreate
  • *tagcreatelabelbyid
  • *topographydesvarcreate
  • *vectorcreate
  • *vectorcreate_twonode
While still continuing to work as before, the following are all deprecated by *createentitysameas and may be removed in a future release:
  • *collectorcreatesameas
  • *loadstepscreatesameas
  • *multibodycreate_duplicate
While still continuing to work as before, the following are all deprecated by *setoption and may be removed in a future release:
  • hm_info lodthreshold - Use lod_threshold instead.
  • hm_info plythicknessfactor - Use ply_thickness_factor instead.
  • *setlodthreshold - Use lod_threshold instead.
  • *rotationcenteroffscreen - Use rotation_center_off_screen instead.
  • *setgeomtopologydisplay - Use topology_display_mode instead.
  • *setplythicknessfactor - Use ply_thickness_factor instead.
  • *settopologydisplayall - Use topology_display_mode instead.
While still continuing to work as before, the following are all deprecated by *setvalue and may be removed in a future release:
  • *bagentityupdate
  • *beadboundsupdate
  • *beadparamsupdate
  • *blockupdate
  • *compositeshuffledesvarupdate
  • *compositeshuffledesvarupdatewithlaminateoption
  • *compositeshufflepairingconstraintupdate
  • *compositesizedesvarupdate
  • *compositesizedesvarupdatewithlaminateoption
  • *compositesizelaminatethicknessupdate
  • *ddvaladdrange
  • *ddvaladdvalues
  • *desvarlinkupdate
  • *desvarlinkupdatewithfunction
  • *dequationupdate
  • *dictionaryload
  • *dictionaryreset
  • *dictionaryresetsolver
  • *dictionaryupdatebymark
  • *dictionaryupdateentry
  • *dvprelupdate
  • *ellipsoidupdate
  • *entitysetaddentities
  • *entitysetdelentities
  • *entitysetupdate
  • *entitysetupdatelist
  • *entitysuppressactive
  • *entitysuppressoutput
  • *equationupdate
  • *equationupdateallconstant
  • *equationupdatealldofswts
  • *freeshapedesvarupdate
  • *freeshapedesvarupdatewithsetoption
  • *freeshapedrawextrusionpdate
  • *freeshapegridconstraintsupdate
  • *freeshapegridconstraintsupdatewithsetoption
  • *freeshapeparametersupdate
  • *freeshapeparametersupdatewithlimits
  • *freeshapeparametersupdatewithsmoothing
  • *freeshapeparametersupdatewithtransition
  • *freeshapepatternupdate
  • *freeshapesideconstraintsbarrierupdatebyblocks
  • *freeshapesideconstraintsbarrierupdatemanual
  • *freesizedesvarupdate
  • *freesizedesvarupdatewithlaminateoption
  • *freesizedesvarupdatewithstackoption
  • *freesizelaminatethicknessupdate
  • *freesizeparametersupdate
  • *freesizeparametersupdatewithfatigue
  • *freesizepatternupdate
  • *freesizerepetitionupdate
  • *freesizesymmetryupdate
  • *freesizeupdatetapeattribute
  • *freesizezonebasedupdate
  • *gaugedesvarcreate
  • *gaugedesvarcreategeneralized
  • *gaugedesvarcreatewithddvalfield
  • *gaugedesvarupdate
  • *gaugedesvarupdategeneralized
  • *gaugedesvarupdatewithddvalfield
  • *laminateupdate
  • *marksuppressactive
  • *marksuppressoutput
  • *plyupdate
  • *tagupdate
  • *tagupdatedescription
  • *tagupdateentity
  • *topographyboundsupdate
  • *topographydesvarupdate
  • *updateblocks
  • *updatesimpleblock
  • *vectorupdate
  • *vectorupdate_twonode
While still continuing to work as before, the following hm_info options are deprecated by hm_getoption and may be removed in a future release:
  • rotationcenteroffscreen - Use rotation_center_off_screen instead.
While still continuing to work as before, the following are all deprecated by hm_getvalue and may be removed in a future release:
  • hm_attributearray2dcols
  • hm_attributearray2drows
  • hm_attributearray2dvalue
  • hm_attributearraylength
  • hm_attributearrayvalue
  • hm_attributeentityid
  • hm_attributeindexarray2dcols
  • hm_attributeindexarray2drows
  • hm_attributeindexarray2dvalue
  • hm_attributeindexarraylength
  • hm_attributeindexarrayvalue
  • hm_attributeindexentityid
  • hm_attributeindexmax
  • hm_attributeindexvalue
  • hm_attributemax
  • hm_attributevalue
  • hm_bag_getentitylistall
  • hm_bag_getentitylistmax
  • hm_curve_getnumberofpoints
  • hm_curve_getpointcords
  • hm_dlinkgetdesvarcoeffs
  • hm_dvprelgetdesvarcoeffs
  • hm_dvprelgetdesvars
  • hm_getcardimagename
  • hm_getcardimagenamemark
  • hm_getcardimagetype
  • hm_getcardimagetypemark
  • hm_getcontrolcardattribute
  • hm_getcoordinates
  • hm_getentityarray
  • hm_getentityvalue
  • hm_getincludechildren
  • hm_getincludeid
  • hm_getincludename
  • hm_getmarkarray
  • hm_getmarkvalue
  • hm_gettablecelldata
  • hm_gettablecolumndata
  • hm_gettablecolumnlabel
  • hm_gettablecolumnsize
  • hm_gettablecolumntype
  • hm_gettablerowdata
  • hm_morph_getdomainelems
  • hm_morph_getdomainhandles
  • hm_morph_getdomainnodes
  • hm_nodelist
  • hm_nodevalue
  • hm_parentcomplist