Unless otherwise specified, data names are accessible in level 3 only.
- a_DAMA
- The crack propagation velocity parameter.
- a_EMC
- The Hosford exponent.
- Parameter a if I_The flag is 0, or the failure strain in shear if I_The flag is 1.
- The brittle rupture material parameter A (exponent).
- activesuppressed
- Returns non-zero if the entity is set inactive, 0 otherwise. Type: integer
- Alpha
- The hydrostatic pressure exponent.
- Alpha_0
- The parameter for the initial yield function referring to the beginning of damage.
- Alpha_f
- The parameter for the final yield function referring to rupture.
- Alpha_N
- The scale factor in the normal direction.
- Alpha_T
- The scale factor in the tangential plane.
- AREA_scale
- The failure scale factor for the area increase.
- attributesmax
- The number of attributes owned by this entity. Type: unsigned int.
- Parameter b if I_The flag is 0, or the failure strain in uniaxial-tension if I_The flag is 1.
- The brittle rupture material parameter B (exponent).
- b0
- The strain to fracture for uni-axial tension.
- Beta
- The shear scaling factor.
- Beta_0
- The exponent for initial yield function referring to the beginning of damage.
- Beta_f
- The exponent for final yield function referring to rupture.
- The Deviatoric coefficient.
- c
- The friction parameter for triaxiality.
- Parameter c if I_The flag is 0, or the failure strain in plain-strain-tension if I_The flag is 1.
- The failure plastic strain at uniaxial compression.
- The 1st parameter.
- The failure plastic strain at shear.
- The 2nd parameter.
- The failure plastic strain at uniaxial tension.
- The 3rd parameter.
- The failure plastic strain at plain strain tension.
- The 4th parameter.
- The failure plastic strain at biaxial tension.
- Ch_i_f
- The flag for choice of instability or fracture regularization.
- color
- The color of the entity. Type: integer
- config
- The configuration of the entity.
- D
- The damage accumulation parameter D.
- Parameter d if I_The flag is 0, or the instability strain if I_The flag is 1.
- D1
- The 1st parameter.
- D2
- The 2nd parameter.
- D3
- The 3rd parameter.
- D4
- The 4th parameter.
- D5
- The 5th parameter.
- Dadv
- The criterion for the crack advancement.
- Dcrit
- The critical accumulated damage value.
- definedentity
- True if the entity is defined, false otherwise.
- Df
- The critical damage.
- E1
- The maximum specific energy.
- E2
- The failure specific energy.
- EI_max
- The failure internal energy.
- EI_ref
- The reference element size.
- EN_max
- The failure internal energy in normal direction.
- Epsdot
- The strain rate corresponding to failure strain function.
- Epsilon_11cf
- The failure strain in compression direction 11.
- Epsilon_11cm
- The rupture strain in compression direction 11.
- Epsilon_11tf
- The failure strain in tension direction 11.
- Epsilon_11tm
- The rupture strain in tension direction 11.
- Epsilon_12cf
- The failure strain in compression direction 12.
- Epsilon_12cm
- The rupture strain in compression direction 12.
- Epsilon_12tf
- The failure strain in tension direction 12.
- Epsilon_12tm
- The rupture strain in tension direction 33.
- Epsilon_22cf
- The failure strain in compression direction 22.
- Epsilon_22cm
- The rupture strain in compression direction 22.
- Epsilon_22tf
- The failure strain in tension direction 22.
- Epsilon_22tm
- The rupture strain in tension direction 22.
- Epsilon_23cf
- The failure strain in compression direction 23.
- Epsilon_23cm
- The rupture strain in compression direction 23.
- Epsilon_23tf
- The failure strain in tension direction 23.
- Epsilon_23tm
- The rupture strain in tension direction 23.
- Epsilon_31cf
- The failure strain in compression direction 31.
- Epsilon_31cm
- The rupture strain in compression direction 31.
- Epsilon_31tf
- The failure strain in tension direction 31.
- Epsilon_31tm
- The rupture strain in tension direction 31.
- Epsilon_33cf
- The failure strain in compression direction 33.
- Epsilon_33cm
- The rupture strain in compression direction 33.
- Epsilon_33tf
- The failure strain in tension direction 33.
- Epsilon_33tm
- The rupture strain in tension direction 33.
- Epsilon_Dot_0
- The reference strain rate.
- Epsilon_Dot_ref
- The reference strain rate.
- Epsilon_f1
- The failure tensile strain in direction 1.
- Epsilon_f2
- The failure tensile strain in direction 2.
- Epsilon_maxN
- The failure in normal direction.
- Epsilon_maxT
- The failure relative displacement (elongation) in tangential plane.
- Epsilon_r1
- The rupture tensile strain in direction 1.
- Epsilon_r2
- The rupture tensile strain in direction 2.
- Epsilon_t1
- The maximum strain.
- Epsilon_t2
- The tensile failure strain.
- ET_max
- The failure internal energy in tangent direction.
- Exponent_N
- The failure exponent parameter in normal direction.
- Exponent_T
- The failure exponent parameter in tangential plane.
- Fad_exp
- Fading exponent
- Fading_Exponent_Curve
- The fading exponent.
- fct_ID
- The function identifier of specific energy E1 E2 scaling factor.
- Fct_ID_11c
- The strain rate factor function in compression direction 11.
- Fct_ID_11t
- The strain rate factor function in tension direction 11
- Fct_ID_12c
- The strain rate factor function in compression direction 12
- Fct_ID_12t
- The strain rate factor function in tension direction 12
- Fct_ID_22c
- The strain rate factor function in compression direction 22
- Fct_ID_22t
- The strain rate factor function in tension direction 22
- Fct_ID_23c
- The strain rate factor function in compression direction 23
- Fct_ID_23t
- The strain rate factor function in tension direction 23
- Fct_ID_31c
- The strain rate factor function in compression direction 31
- Fct_ID_31t
- The strain rate factor function in tension direction 31
- Fct_ID_33c
- The strain rate factor function in compression direction 33
- Fct_ID_33t
- The strain rate function in tension direction 33
- fct_ID_TAB
- The FCT entity.
- fct_ID1
- The function of lower limit for fracture (S-R mode).
- fct_ID2
- The function of upper limit for fracture (S-R mode).
- fct_IDadv
- The failure advancement diagram.
- fct_IDd
- The damage function identifier.
- fct_IDel
- The element size factor function identifier.
- fct_IDFN
- The function identifier defining a scale factor for strain rate dependency in normal direction in rupture yield function.
- fct_IDFS
- The function identifier defining a scale factor for strain rate dependency in tangential direction in rupture yield function.
- fct_IDON
- The function identifier defining a scale factor for strain rate dependency in normal direction in initial yield function.
- fct_IDOS
- The function identifier defining a scale factor for strain rate dependency in tangential direction in initial yield function.
- fct_IDt
- The temperature factor function identifier.
- Fcut
- The cutoff frequency for strain rate smoothing.
- Fscale
- The failure strain function scale factor.
- Fscale_el
- The element size function scale factor.
- FscaleT
- The temperature function scale factor.
- Gamma
- The strain rate sensitivity parameter.
- Gamma_1
- Coupling factor 1
- Gamma_2
- The coupling factor 2.
- I_Dam
- The damage calculation flag.
- I_The flag
- The input type flag.
- id
- The ID of the entity. Type: entity
- include
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in. Type: entity
- includeid
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in. Type: unsigned int.
- internalid
- The ID of the entity. Type: unsigned int.
- The ID card exist flag.
- Iduct
- The ductile-brittle materials flag.
- Ifail
- The flag for failure formulation.
- Ifail_sh
- The shell failure flag.
- Ifail_so
- The flag for solid failure model.
- Iform
- The formulation flag.
- Imoy
- The flag for failure 3D model (brick).
- Inst_start
- The instability start.
- Is_Fading_Exponent_A_Curve
- The fading exponent curve flag.
- isencrypted
- The encryption entity.
- Istrain
- The engineering or true input strain flag.
- The rupture deactivation flag for compression.
- Ixfem
- The XFEM flag.
- K
- The critical damage integral.
- The crack propagation velocity time constant.
- K1
- The stiffness in direction 1.
- K2
- The stiffness in direction 2.
- K3
- The stiffness in direction 3.
- Lambda
- The lambda exponent.
- m
- The 5th parameter.
- M_The flag
- The material selector flag.
- mat_id
- The material entity.
- n
- The damage accumulation parameter n.
- n_EMC
- The stress state sensivity exponent.
- n_f
- The parameter n_f.
- N_n
- The energy exponent in normal direction.
- N_rate
- The N rate.
- N_soft
- The softening exponent for failure.
- N_t
- The energy exponent in tangent direction.
- The hardening exponent.
- name
- The name of the entity. Type: string
- outputsuppressed
- Returns non-zero if the entity is set "do not export", 0 otherwise. Type: integer
- P_min
- The pressure cutoff.
- P_thickfail
- The percentage of through thickness integration points failure limit.
- P_thinfail
- The ratio of thickness reduction before failure.
- p12_Negative
- The failure envelop factor 12 (-).
- p12_Positive
- The failure envelop factor 12 (+).
- p22_Negative
- The failure envelop factor 22 (-).
- Phi
- The coulomb friction angle for matrix and delamination.
- Plim
- The hydrostatic pressure limit.
- Pthk
- The element suppression criterion (for shells only) :% of thickness in normal direction to delete the element.
- R_fct_ID_N
- The failure scale factor in normal direction vs strain rate function identifier.
- R_fct_ID_T
- The failure scale factor in tangential plane vs strain rate function identifier.
- r1
- The scaling factor for c1.
- r2
- The scaling factor for c2.
- r4
- The scaling factor for c3.
- r5
- The scaling factor for c4.
- Rani
- The average anisotropy factor.
- ratio
- The ratio control parameter.
- S_The flag
- The flag for specific behavior.
- Sdel
- The scale factor for delamination criteria.
- Sigma_12
- The shear strength.
- Sigma_12f
- The fiber shear strength.
- Sigma_12m
- The matrix shear strength 12.
- Sigma_13m
- The matrix shear strength 13.
- Sigma_1c
- The longitudinal compressive strength.
- Sigma_1t
- The longitudinal tensile strength.
- Sigma_23m
- The matrix shear strength 23.
- Sigma_2c
- The transverse compressive strength.
- Sigma_2t
- The transverse tensile strength.
- Sigma_3t
- The through thickness tensile strength.
- Sigma_c
- The crush strength.
- Sigma_r
- The fracture stress.
- T_max
- The duration paramater for energy failure criteria.
- table1_ID
- The failure strain table.
- table2_ID
- The instability strain table.
- Tau_max
- The dynamic time relaxation.
- The scale factor for the abscissa strain rate for initial function.
- The scale factor for the abscissa strain rate for rupture function.
- Xscale1
- The scale factor for the first variable of table1.
- Xscale2
- The scale factor for the second variable of table1.
- Xscale3
- The scale factor for the first variable of table2.
- Xscale4
- The scale factor for the second variable of table2.
- Y0
- The yield energy damage.
- Yc
- The critical energy damage.
Version History