Query general information about HyperMesh options and paths.
hm_info option|-appinfo info_option ?value?
HyperMesh Tcl Query
This command returns general information about HyperMesh options and paths.
- -appinfoinfo_option
- Valid info_option values are:
- ALTAIR_HOME: Current installation base directory.
- ARCHITECTURE: Current system architecture.
- COPYRIGHT: The HyperWorks copyright text.
- CURRENTWORKINGDIR: Current working directory.
- DISPLAYVERSION: The full application version number (e.g. 10.0b40).
- EXECUTABLEDIR: Full directory path of the application’s executable. Same as HMBIN_DIR.
- EXECUTABLEPATH: Full directory path and file name of the application’s executable.
- HMBIN_DIR: Full directory path of the application’s executable. Same as EXECUTABLE_DIR.
- LICENSE_FEATURE: Application’s license feature.
- LICENSEVERSION: Application’s license version.
- NAME: Get the applications name.
- PATCH_NUMBER: The base application patch number (e.g. 101, 102).
- SPECIFIEDPATH type: Full path name of the specified type. Valid
type values are:
- altair_lic.dat
- hm
- hm_dll_readers
- hm_feinput_readers
- hm_mac
- hm_module
- hm_scripts_dir
- hm_user_profiles
- hm40_translator
- hw_help_dir
- hw_readers
- hw_tcl_common
- hyperbeam
- hypercrash
- mv_solver_writers
- nastran_to_abaqus_converter
- radioss_launchdir
- standard_statistics_template
- tcl_lib
- tk_lib
- wish
- SUPPORTEMAIL: The HyperMesh tech support email address.
- TITLE: Title of the application.
- VERSION: The base application version number (e.g. 10.0).
- XDISPLAYNAME: The name of the current X display.
- analysisfileset
- Returns 1 if the global results file is set; 0 otherwise. Identical to resultfileset.
- cardprev_displayed
- Returns 1 if the card previewer is displayed; 0 otherwise.
- commandfilename
- Full path and file name of the command file from the "files" panel. This option cannot be used in HyperMesh Batch Mode.
- currentcollector type
- Returns the current collector ID of the specified type or 0 for no current collector. Valid type values are beamsectcol, comp, loadcol, module, multibody, systcol, and vectorcol.
- currentcomponent
- Returns the current component collector ID.
- currentinclude
- Returns the current include file shortname.
- currentfile
- Full path and file name of the current HyperMesh database. Identical to hmfilename.
- database_empty
- Returns 1 if the database is empty; 0 otherwise.
- database_modified
- Returns 1 if the database has been modified since the last save operation; 0 otherwise.
- elems_cleanup
- Returns 1 if the user is in the quality index panel; 0 otherwise.
- emptylist entity_type
- Returns the list of empty entities of the given entity_type. Valid entity_type values are: assems and comps
- entity_types_allowing_undefined
- Returns the entity types that are supported as allowing undefined entities.
- executing_command
- Returns 1 if HyperMesh is currently in the process of executing a command; 0 otherwise.
- exportfilename
- Full path and file name of the export file from the "files" panel. This option cannot be used in HyperMesh Batch Mode.
- exporttemplate
- Full path and file name of the export template from the "files" panel. This option cannot be used in HyperMesh Batch Mode.
- functionlock
- Returns 1 if HyperMesh is currently in the function lock mode due to being in a secondary menu like automeshing; 0 otherwise.
- geomstyle
- Returns the geometry color mode value set by *settopologydisplaytype.
- hmfilename
- Full path and file name of the current HyperMesh database. Identical to currentfile.
- hyperstudy_running
- Returns 1 if HyperStudy is currently in the process of running after being launched from HyperMesh; 0 otherwise.
- importfilename
- Full path and file name of the import file from the "files" panel. This option cannot be used in HyperMesh Batch Mode.
- importtranslator
- Full path and file name of the import translator from the "files" panel. This option cannot be used in HyperMesh Batch Mode.
- istemplateloaded
- Returns 1 if a template file is loaded; 0 otherwise.
- lastselectedentity entity_type
- Returns the ID of the entity of the specified entity_type that has been selected using *createentitypanel. This command must be called immediately after the *createentitypanel command. If there are any errors or no entity has been selected, the value returned will be 0.
- macrofilename
- Full path and file name of the macro file. This option cannot be used in HyperMesh Batch Mode.
- macromenupage
- Returns the page number that the Utility tab is currently set to.
- plottingdisplay
- Returns 1 if HyperMesh is currently involved in a plotting process that makes use of the alternative display list (fill plot for hidden lines, contour, etc…); 0 otherwise.
- prompting
- Returns 1 if HyperMesh is currently prompting the user for an immediate response using an Overlay or a Popup; 0 otherwise.
- pushtofront entity_type
- Returns the value set by *pushtofront for the specified entity type. Currently only supported for tags.
- readingfile
- Returns 1 if HyperMesh is currently in the process of reading an HM file; 0 otherwise.
- resultfilename
- Full path and file name of the result file.
- resultfileset
- Returns 1 if the global results file is set; 0 otherwise. Identical to analysisfileset.
- reviewmode
- Returns the review mode value set by *setreviewmode.
- somethingtoreject
- Returns 1 if the reject operation will have any effect if executed now; 0 otherwise.
- templatecodename
- The name reported from the current template’s *codename() command.
- templatefilename
- Full path and file name of the current tempate file.
- templateid
- The ID reported from the current template’s *codename() command.
- templatetype
- Current template type. This is one of the predefined template types, currently one of the following: nastran, abaqus, marc, autodv, hyperopt, pamcrash, patran, ansys, lsdyna, dytran, simex, phlex, pdm, masterfile, or none. Some template type names are not reported. For example, a madymo template will be reported as an lsdyna template.
- tempnam
- Full path and file name of a temporary file. The value returned from each call is unique.
- unusedlist entity_type
- Returns the list of unused entities of the given entity_type. The list will contain names for named entity types and IDs for all other types. Valid entity_type values are curves, contactsurfs, ellipsoids. mats, mbjoints, props, and systs.
- writeviewcommands
- Returns the value set by hm_writeviewcommands or the -nowriteviewcommands start-up option.
To get the path to the Altair home directory:
set trans_dir [hm_info -appinfo ALTAIR_HOME]
To get the path to the translators directory:
set trans_dir [hm_info -appinfo SPECIFIEDPATH TRANSLATORS_DIR]
To get the current vector collector:
set cur_veccol [hm_info currentcollector vectorcol]
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
# Handle error