
Returns coordinate data defining a line made by the measuring tape running from the ground to the specified WAD point along the vehicle.


hm_wadlinesgetwadpointtapeline lateral_location distance


HyperMesh Tcl Query


Returns coordinate data defining a line made by the measuring tape running from the ground to the specified WAD point along the vehicle. The data will be returned as a list of doubles. Every three doubles are the X, Y, and Z coordinates of a point along the line. The line runs from the ground to the specified WAD point.


The lateral location for the tape line, using the centerline of the vehicle as the origin. The location given must be a multiple of the spacing parameter set with hm_wadlinessetparameters. For example, if the value of spacing is 100.0, the values of the lateral_location must be 0.0, 100.0, -100.0, 200.0, -200.0, 300.0, etc...
The distance from ground level to a WAD point, as measured along the vehicle.


To setup and extract WAD point tape line data:

hm_wadlinessetparameters 45.0 50.0 100.0 100.0 50.0 20.0 25.0 60.0
hm_wadlinessetaxes 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
*createmark comps 1 "bonnet" "bumper" "fenderL" "fenderR"
*createmark comps 2 "windshield" "a-pillars"
hm_wadlinessetentities comps 1 comps 2
hm_wadlinesgetwadline 1700.0
hm_wadlinesgetwadpointtapeline -700.0 1700.0
hm_wadlinesgetwadpointtapeline -600.0 1700.0
hm_wadlinesgetwadpointtapeline -500.0 1700.0
hm_wadlinesgetwadpointtapeline -400.0 1700.0
hm_wadlinesgetwadpointtapeline -300.0 1700.0
hm_wadlinesgetwadpointtapeline -200.0 1700.0
hm_wadlinesgetwadpointtapeline -100.0 1700.0
hm_wadlinesgetwadpointtapeline    0.0 1700.0
hm_wadlinesgetwadpointtapeline  100.0 1700.0
hm_wadlinesgetwadpointtapeline  200.0 1700.0
hm_wadlinesgetwadpointtapeline  300.0 1700.0
hm_wadlinesgetwadpointtapeline  400.0 1700.0
hm_wadlinesgetwadpointtapeline  500.0 1700.0
hm_wadlinesgetwadpointtapeline  600.0 1700.0
hm_wadlinesgetwadpointtapeline  700.0 1700.0


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

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