Unless otherwise specified, data names are accessible in level 3 only.
- activesuppressed
- Returns non-zero if the entity is set inactive, 0 otherwise. Type: integer
- anchornode
- The ID of the anchor node.
- anchornodecoordinates
- The coordinates of the anchor node.
- anchornodectrl
- The option to select anchor node node ID or node coordinates.
- anchorpointctrl
- The option to select anchor point node ID or node coordinates.
- anchorpoint
- The ID of the anchor node.
- anchorpointid
- The ID of the anchor node.
- anchorpointtriple
- The coordinates of the anchor node.
- attributesmax
- The number of attributes owned by this entity. Type: unsigned int.
- basethickness
- The minimum thickness T0 for designable=1
- boundaryskip
- The flag indicating if the designvar is a master or slave.
- bufferzone
- The number of repetitions for cyclic symmetry, UCYC.
- componentlist
- The list of property IDs associated with the designvar (pointer value is property ID).
- componentlistmax
- The number of properties referenced by the designvar.
- config
- The value 108 for topography designvars.
- configname
- The solver keyword for the designvar. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
- definedentity
- True if the entity is defined, false otherwise.
- delxv
- The value of thickness when stampthickness is true.
- designable
- Property type referenced by the designvar.
- dfail
- The distance between the center of one failure zone to the next in a particular layer.
- dptl_patternrep_anchornodeid
- The ID of the anchor node.
- dptl_patternrep_firstgrid
- The ID of the first grid node.
- dptl_patternrep_secondgrid
- The ID of the second grid node.
- dptl_patternrep_thirdgrid
- The ID of the third grid node.
- dptl_primarynodelist
- The list of primary node IDs associated with the designvar.
- dptl_secondarynodelist
- The list of secondary node IDs associated with the designvar.
- dptl_systemflag
- The flag indicating if the designvar is a System or Coordinates.
- dptl_systemid
- The value of the local system ID in the category Pattern Repetition.
- dptl_systemval
- The value indicating if the designvar is a local or global system.
- drawangle
- The bound value.
- drawtype
- The value for draw type in the category Draw.
- dtpllatticetype
- The value for lattice optimization lattice type.
- dtpllowerbound
- The value for lattice optimization lower bound.
- dtplstressvalue
- The value for lattice optimization stress value.
- dtplupperbound
- The value for lattice optimization upper bound.
- failsafe
- Flag to activate fail-safe topology optimization.
- firstgrid
- The ID of the first grid node
- firstgridctrl
- The option to select first grid node ID or node coordinates.
- firstgridid
- The ID of the first grid node.
- firstgridtriple
- The coordinates of the first grid node.
- gridcoordinates
- The coordinates of the grid node.
- gridnode
- The ID of the grid node.
- gridnodectrl
- The option to select grid node ID or node coordinates.
- gridpointctrl
- The option to select grid point 1 node or coordinates.
- gridpointctrl2
- The option to select grid point 2 node or coordinates.
- id
- The ID of the entity. Type: entity
- include
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in. Type: entity
- includeid
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in. Type: unsigned int.
- internalid
- The ID of the entity. Type: unsigned int.
- latticeoptimization
- The value for lattice optimization checkbox.
- lowerbound
- The minimum diameter of members formed, MINDIM, if MEMBSIZ is specified on the DTPL card.
- masterslave
- The flag indicating if the designvar is a master or slave.
- maxdimval
- The value for maxdim (upperbound) in category Parameters.
- meshtypeflag
- The value for checkbox for meshtype in category Parameters.
- mindimval
- The value for mindim (lowerbound) in category Parameters.
- mingap
- The value for minimum gap in category Parameters.
- mingapflag
- The value for minimum gap checkbox.
- minimumwidth
- Specifies the type of fatigue constraint.
- name
- The name of the entity. Type: string
- nohole
- The value for checkbox for nohole in category Draw.
- obstcomponentlist
- The list of property IDs associated with the designvar (pointer value is property ID).
- ofail
- Activates the overlap (second) failure zone in addition to the first.
- outputsuppressed
- Returns non-zero if the entity is set "do not export", 0 otherwise.
- overhang
- Indicates that overhang constraints are active and the definitions of the required parameters are to follow.
- overhangangle
- The orientation angle for the overhang constraint. This angle is measured from the build direction, and a larger angle implies more design freedom.
- overhangangtol
- The tolerance angle which identifies the elements of the design space for which the overhang constraint is not applied.
- overhangdistol
- The distance which characterizes the layer of design space for which the overhang constraint is not applied.
- overhangfirstgrid
- The ID of the first node which identifies the orientation.
- overhangfirstgridtriple
- The coordinates of the first point that defines the orientation.
- overhangholes
- Indicates if holes are supported.
- overhangmethod
- The overhang constraint method CONSTR (default), PENALTY, or Blank.
- overhangnondes
- The overhang nondesign mode SUPP (default) or UNSUPP.
- overhangpenfac
- The level of violation of the overhang constraint.
- overhangpenshe
- The overhang constraint penalty scheme, RAMP (default for CONSTR method) or SIMP (default for PENALTY method.
- overhangsecondgrid
- The coordinates of the second point that defines the orientation.
- overhangsecondgridtriple
- The coordinates of two points that define the orientation (second grid).
- overhangstep
- The step length control for the CONSTR overhang constraint method (1, 2 or blank).
- overhangsuppset
- The identification number of a SET of grid points which identifies regions of the model that are considered to be supported.
- patternrep_dtpl_anchor_coordinates_id
- The value indicating if the designvar is Anchor ID or Coordinates.
- patternrep_dtpl_anchortriple
- The coordinates of the anchor node.
- patternrep_dtpl_firstgrid_coordinates_id
- The value indicating if the designvar is First Grid ID or Coordinates.
- patternrep_dtpl_firstgridcoordinates
- The coordinates of the first grid node.
- patternrep_dtpl_scalexyz
- The coordinates of scale.
- patternrep_dtpl_secondgrid_coordinates_id
- The value indicating if the designvar is Second Grid ID or Coordinates.
- patternrep_dtpl_secondgridcoordinates
- The coordinates of the second grid node.
- patternrep_dtpl_thirdgrid_coordinates_id
- The value indicating if the designvar is Third Grid ID or Coordinates.
- patternrep_dtpl_thirdgridcoordinates
- The coordinates of the third grid node.
- patterntype
- The value of pattern type in category Pattern Grouping.
- pfail
- The ratio (fraction) of total design volume below which the volume is not considered as a damage zone.
- propertylist
- The list of property IDs associated with the designvar (pointer value is property ID).
- propertytypename
- The name of property referenced by the designvar.
- sfail
- The size of individual failure zones in a particular layer. This is edge length for CUBE tfail and the diameter for SPHERE tfail.
- tfail
- The failure zone type.
Pattern Grouping Variables (applicable if PATRN is specified on DTPG card)
- secondgrid
- The ID of the second grid node.
- secondgridctrl
- The option to select second grid node ID or node coordinates.
- secondgridid
- The ID of the second grid node.
- secondgridtriple
- The coordinates of the second grid node.
- shapedesignvariable
- If boundaryskip is 2, this represents the DTPL ID for the master pattern definition.
- stampthickness
- The value for checkbox for stamp thickness in category Draw.
- stress_constraint
- The value for stress constraint (initialvalue) in category Parameters.
- type
- The pattern grouping type. If > 0, the PATRN card is specified.
- ucyc
- The value for ucyc (yorder) in category Pattern Grouping.
- upperbound
- The maximum diameter of members formed, MAXDIM, if MEMBSIZ is specified on the DTPL card.
- xorder
- The draw type for casting constraints.
- xtype
- Extrusion type.
- yorder
- The number of non-designable components specified using the OBST flag.
- ytype
- The value for meshtype in category Parameters.
- $TPL_SymmetryAnchorX
- The x coordinate of the anchor point.
- $TPL_SymmetryAnchorY
- The y coordinate of the anchor point.
- $TPL_SymmetryAnchorZ
- The z coordinate of the anchor point.
- $TPL_SymmetryFirstGridX
- The x coordinate of the first point.
- $TPL_SymmetryFirstGridY
- The y coordinate of the first point.
- $TPL_SymmetryFirstGridZ
- The z coordinate of the first point.
- $TPL_SymmetrySecondGridX
- The x coordinate of the second point.
- $TPL_SymmetrySecondGridY
- The y coordinate of the second point.
- $TPL_SymmetrySecondGridZ
- The z coordinate of the second point.
Casting constraint variables (applicable if DRAW is specified on DTPL card)
- $TPL_DrawAnchorX
- The x coordinate of the draw anchor node.
- $TPL_DrawAnchorY
- The y coordinate of the draw anchor node.
- $TPL_DrawAnchorZ
- The z coordinate of the draw anchor node.
- $TPL_DrawFirstGridId
- The ID of the first draw grid node.
- $TPL_DrawFirstGridX
- The x coordinate of the first point.
- $TPL_DrawFirstGridY
- The y coordinate of the first point.
- $TPL_DrawFirstGridZ
- The z coordinate of the first point.
- $TPL_ObstComponentList
- Array of non-designable component IDs on the OBST card.
Extrusion constraint variables (applicable if EXTR is specified on DTPL card)
- $TPL_PrimaryNodeList
- Array of grid IDs defining the primary extrusion path.
- $TPL_SecondaryNodeList
- Array of grid IDs defining the secondary extrusion path.
Pattern Repetition Variables (applicable if MASTER/SLAVE is specified in DTPL card)
- $TPL_RptnScaleX
- The x direction scale factor.
- $TPL_RptnScaleY
- The y direction scale factor.
- $TPL_RptnScaleZ
- The z direction scale factor.
- $TPL_RptnSysFlag
- Returns 0 if no coordinate system is used in defining the pattern repetition, non-zero otherwise.
- $TPL_RptnSysId
- The ID of the pattern repetition coordinate system when $TPL_RptnSysFlag is non-zero.
- $TPL_RptnAnchorNodeId
- The ID of the anchor node.
- $TPL_RptnAnchorX
- The x coordinate of the first grid node.
- $TPL_RptnAnchorY
- The y coordinate of the first grid node.
- $TPL_RptnAnchorZ
- The z coordinate of the first grid node.
- $TPL_RptnFirstGridId
- The ID of the first grid node.
- $TPL_RptnFirstGridX
- The x coordinate of the first grid node.
- $TPL_RptnFirstGridY
- The y coordinate of the first grid node.
- $TPL_RptnFirstGridZ
- The z coordinate of the first grid node.
- $TPL_RptnSecondGridId
- The ID of the second grid node.
- $TPL_RptnSecondGridX
- The x coordinate of the second grid node.
- $TPL_RptnSecondGridY
- The y coordinate of the second grid node.
- $TPL_RptnSecondGridZ
- The z coordinate of the second grid node.
- $TPL_RptnThirdGridId
- The ID of the third grid node.
- $TPL_RptnThirdGridX
- The x coordinate of the third grid node.
- $TPL_RptnThirdGridY
- The y coordinate of the third grid node.
- $TPL_RptnThirdGridZ
- The z coordinate of the third grid node.
2019 - Added new data names gridpointctrl, gridpointctrl2, overhang,overhangangle, overhangangtol, overhangdistol, overhangfirstgrid, overhangfirstgridtriple, overhangholes, overhangmethod, overhangnondes, overhangpenfac, overhangangpenshe, overhangangsecondgrid, overhangangsecondgridtriple, overhangstep and overhangsuppset.