Checks the proximity between elements or components, and stores the results internally.
hm_proximityinit entity_type mark_id max_distance ?mode? ?check_side? ?proximity_scheme? ?proximity_by_edge?
HyperMesh Tcl Query
Checks the proximity between elements or components, and stores the results internally. Other APIs can be used to query the results.
This must precede any calls to other hm_proximityget*/hm_proximitymark* APIs, and must be followed by a call to hm_proximityend.
- entity_type
- The type of entity to query. Valid values are elements and components.
- mark_id
- The ID of the mark containing the input entities. Valid values are 1 and 2.
- max_distance
- The maximum distance beyond which proximity is not reported.
- mode
- 1 – Global proximity (default behavior if not specified)
- check_side
- 1 – Check both sides of the elements
- proximity_scheme
- 0 – Checks basic proximity along a ray from the element center along the normal direction.
- proximity_by_edge
- 0 – Ignores proximity for nearby edges (default behaviour if not specified).
To calculate the proximity between all comps using a max distance of 2.5 and to query the component pairs:
*createmark comps 1 all
hm_proximityinit comps 1 2.5
set comp_pair_count [hm_proximitygetcomponentpaircount]
for {set i 0} {$i < $comp_pair_count} {incr i} {
set comp_pair [hm_proximitygetcomponentpair $i]
puts "Component pair $i: $comp_pair"
set elem_pair_count [hm_proximitygetcomponentelementpaircount $i]
for {set j 0} {$j < $elem_pair_count} {incr j} {
set elem_pair [hm_proximitygetcomponentpair $i $j]
puts " Element pair $j: $elem_pair"
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
# Handle error
Version History
2019 - Added new optional arguments proximity_scheme and proximity_by_edge. Changed default beahvior of API to use proximity_scheme value 1.