Returns the requested information from a specified connector entity.
hm_ce_info id option
HyperMesh Tcl Query
Returns the requested information from a specified connector entity.
If the request is not found, an empty string is returned. If the request is not supported, an error string is returned.
- id
- The ID of the connector to query.
- option
- The name of the option to query.
- allowadjacent
- The allow adjacent projection flag value.
- appliedmass
- The applied mass value.
- appliedmassdis
- The applied mass options value.
- areathicknesstype
- The option to position hexas between shells.
- areastacksize
- The number of hexa coatings.
- area_maint_gaps
- The gap value between hexa faces and shells.
- bodylen
- The bolt body length value.
- boltmaxdiameter
- The maximum diameter for bolt hole recognition.
- boltmindiameter
- The minimum diameter for bolt hole recognition.
- boltthread
- The bolt thread length metadata value.
- coarse_mesh
- The flag that indicates the chosen center.
- collectorid
- The ID of the parent component.
- collectorname
- The name of the parent component.
- comp
- The ID of the parent component.
- configname
- The FE configuration name of the realized connector.
- configval
- The FE configuration value of the realized connector.
- connectivity
- The connectivity between realization and links is mesh dependent or independent.
- connectivitynum
- The connectivity between realization and links is mesh dependent or independent.
- cords
- The x, y, z coordinates of the connector.
- density
- The density value for a line connector.
- dia_factor
- The cylinder bolt diameter factor value.
- diameter
- The diameter value.
- dir_assign
- The value for the CE_FE_DIR_PROP_ASSIGN flag.
- dircfindnode
- The CE_FE_DIRC_FIND_NODE flag value.
- dircords
- The x, y, z coordinates of the direction node.
- fe_vector
- The flag that indicates if a vector is created during realization.
- fesolver
- The FE solver name.
- fetype
- FE type value for a realized connector as defined in the feconfig.cfg file.
- fetypename
- FE type name for a realized connector as defined in the feconfig.cfg file.
- fevectorreverse
- The flag that indicates whether direction reversal is allowed during realization.
- forcecollinear
- The FE force collinear flag value.
- group
- The specified connector and other connectors if grouped.
- half_spacing
- The half-spacing offset flag for seams or lines.
- ijk
- The vector definition used for realization.
- l1
- The cylinder bolt length for the L1 direction.
- l1d1
- The metadata stored for cylinder bolt diameter for L1 direction.
- l2
- The cylinder bolt length for the L2 direction.
- l2d2
- The metadata stored for cylinder bolt diameter for L2 direction.
- layers
- The number of thickness layers (2T/3T) for the connector.
- location
- The coordinates for point and line connectors.
- meshimprint
- The CE_FE_MESH_IMPRINT flag value.
- nonnormal
- The value that indicates whether non-normal projection is allowed during realization.
- numlinks
- The number of link entities for the connector.
- offset
- The offset value for a line connector.
- positionstring
- The connector position with ID.
- projfindnode
- The CE_FE_PROJ_FIND_NODE flag value.
- prop_opt
- The property assignment options.
- propertyid
- The property ID value.
- propertyscript
- The post-realization property creation options.
- realizeto
- The option for organizing the realization results.
- remesh
- Returns 1 for mesh dependent, 0 otherwise.
- size
- The display size.
- snaptonode
- The FE snap to node flag value.
- spacing
- The spacing value for a line connector.
- state
- The state of the connector entity.
- style
- The style of the connector entity.
- systems
- The systems creation requirement.
- tolerance
- The tolerance specified during realization.
- trimsurfeachside
- The trim surf each side flag for area connectors.
- type
- The connector entity type during its creation.
- usercontrol
- The user control flag (0 or 1).
To get the state and number of links for connector 15:
set ce_state [hm_ce_info 15 "state"]
set num_links [hm_ce_info 15 "numlinks"]
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
# Handle error