Unless otherwise specified, data names are accessible in level 3 only.
- activesuppressed
- Returns non-zero if the entity is set inactive, 0 otherwise. Type: integer
- attributesmax
- The number of attributes owned by this entity. Type: unsigned int.
- bound
- The bound type.
- configname
- The solver name of the entity. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
- definedentity
- True if the entity is defined, false otherwise.
- id
- The ID of the entity. Type: entity
- include
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in. Type: entity
- includeid
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in. Type: unsigned int.
- internalid
- The ID of the entity. Type: unsigned int.
- loadsteplist
- A pointer to the loadstep IDs.
- loadsteplistmax
- The number of assigned loadsteps.
- locbuck
- Lower bound of a local buckling eigenvalue response. The local buckling zone can be defined using DOPTPRM, BKLOCAL2 and DOPTPRM, BKLOCAL1. The LOCBUCK field can be used to specify the lower bound of the local buckling eigenvalue response. If the specified response is determined to be a local buckling mode, the LOCBUCK lower bound is utilized, otherwise, the LBOUND lower bound value is used for the response.
- lowerbound
- Lower bound value.
- lowerboundtoggle
- State (on=1, off=0) of the lower bound toggle.
- loweroption
- Lower bound options:
- lowertableid
- Lower bound on response or table identification number of a TABLEDi entry that specifies the lower bound as function of a loading frequency.
- name
- The name of the entity. Type: string
- outputsuppressed
- Returns non-zero if the entity is set "do not export", 0 otherwise. Type: integer
- responseid
- The ID of the assigned response.
- upperbound
- Upper bound value.
- upperboundtoggle
- State (on=1, off=0) of the upper bound toggle.
- upperoption
- Upper bound options:
- uppertableid
- Upper bound on response or table identification number of a TABLEDi entry that specifies the upper bound as function of a loading frequency.
Version History
2019 - Added new data names locbuck, loweroption, lowertableid, upperoption and uppertableid.