Unless otherwise specified, data names are accessible in level 3 only.
- activesuppressed
- Returns non-zero if the entity is set inactive, 0 otherwise. Type: integer
- attributesmax
- The number of attributes owned by this entity. Type: unsigned int.
- cardimage
- The name of the assigned card image. Type: string
- cardimagetype
- The type of the assigned card image. Type: string
- color
- The color of the entity. Type: integer
- connectors
- The list of connectors contained in the component. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
- definedentity
- True if the entity is defined, false otherwise. Type: Boolean
- elements
- The list of elements contained in the component. Valid for hm_getvalue query only. Type: entity array
- festyle
- The FE visualization style.
- geomstyle
- The geometry visualization style.
- id
- The ID of the entity. Type: entity
- include
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in. Type: entity
- includeid
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in. Type: unsigned int.
- internalid
- The ID of the entity. Type: unsigned int.
- internalpropertyid
- The ID of the property assigned to the component. This could be a valid property ID or unresolved property ID.
- isempty
- Returns "1" if the component does not contain any elements, "0" otherwise.
- lines
- The list of lines contained in the component. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
- material
- Material pointer to the material assigned to the component. This will always be a valid material ID if one is assigned.
- materialid
- The ID of the material assigned to the component. This could be a valid material ID or unresolved material ID.
- name
- The name of the entity. Type: string
- nodes
- The list of nodes associated to elements contained in the component. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
- outputsuppressed
- Returns non-zero if the entity is set "do not export", 0 otherwise. Type: integer
- points
- The list of points contained in the component. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
- property
- Property pointer to the property assigned to the component. This will always be a valid property ID if one is assigned.
- propertyid
- The ID of the property assigned to the component. This could be a valid property ID or unresolved property ID.
- solids
- The list of solids contained in the component. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
- surfaces
- The list of surfaces contained in the component. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
- cogx
- The x center-of-gravity for the elements in the component. This takes into account the thickness and mass of the elements.
- cogy
- The y center-of-gravity for the elements in the component. This takes into account the thickness and mass of the elements.
- cogz
- The z center-of-gravity for the elements in the component. This takes into account the thickness and mass of the elements.
- The Ixx component of the mass moment of inertia for the elements in the component. This is calculated about the global origin (0,0,0).
- IXXcog
- The Ixx component of the mass moment of inertia for the elements in the component. This is calculated about the component COG.
- The IYY component of the mass moment of inertia for the elements in the component. This is calculated about the global origin (0,0,0).
- IYYcog
- The IYY component of the mass moment of inertia for the elements in the component. This is calculated about the component COG.
- The IZZ component of the mass moment of inertia for the elements in the component. This is calculated about the global origin (0,0,0).
- IZZcog
- The IZZ component of the mass moment of inertia for the elements in the component. This is calculated about the component COG.
- The IXY component of the mass moment of inertia for the elements in the component. This is calculated about the global origin (0,0,0).
- IXYcog
- The IXY component of the mass moment of inertia for the elements in the component. This is calculated about the component COG.
- The IXZ component of the mass moment of inertia for the elements in the component. This is calculated about the global origin (0,0,0).
- IXZcog
- The IXZ component of the mass moment of inertia for the elements in the component. This is calculated about the component COG.
- The IYZ component of the mass moment of inertia for the elements in the component. This is calculated about the global origin (0,0,0).
- IYZcog
- The IYZ component of the mass moment of inertia for the elements in the component. This is calculated about the component COG.
- mass
- The summed total mass of the elements in the component. This takes into account both structural and nonstructural mass.
- nonstructuralmass
- The summed nonstructural mass of the elements in the component.
- principalaxis1
- The x, y and z components of the first principal axis for the elements in the component. This is calculated about the global origin (0,0,0).
- principalaxis1cog
- The x, y and z components of the first principal axis for the elements in the component. This is calculated about the component COG.
- principalaxis2
- The x, y and z components of the second principal axis for the elements in the component. This is calculated about the global origin (0,0,0).
- principalaxis2cog
- The x, y and z components of the second principal axis for the elements in the component. This is calculated about the component COG.
- principalaxis3
- The x, y and z components of the third principal axis for the elements in the component. This is calculated about the global origin (0,0,0).
- principalaxis3cog
- The x, y and z components of the third principal axis for the elements in the component. This is calculated about the component COG.
- structuralmass
- The summed structural mass of the elements in the component.
- thickness
- The thickness of the component. This only takes into account the thickness of the property assigned to the component.
LS-DYNA Specific Data Names
The following data names are only available for LS-DYNA, or have specific behavior for LS-DYNA.
- distributedmass
- This is the mass distributed from nodal rigid bodies to free nodes.
- engineeringmass
- Corresponds to structuralmass + lumpedmass + nonstructuralmass.
- lumpedmass
- nonstructuralmass
- The summed nonstructural mass added through *ELEMENT_MASS_PART_SET, *ELEMENT_MASS_PART or NSM in *SECTION.
- rigidbodymass
- Mass in nodal rigid bodies. This is the mass transferred from deformable nodes to nodal rigid bodies. This includes the mass transfer of the lumped mass defined on deformable elements of the nodal rigid body.
- solvertpartmass
- For rigid parts:
- Structural mass + lumped mass + non-structural mass + mass transferred from deformable nodes (including lumped mass ; NSM applied on these nodes) + mass transferred from other rigid parts (merged)
- If PART_INERTIA is defined then the mass/COG/inertia are equal to the ones specified (if Iflag=1 in xtranodes or crb these are added too)
- structuralmass
- The summed structural mass of the elements in the component.
- totalmass
- Corresponds to distributedmass + lumpedmass + nonstructuralmass + rigidbodymass + structuralmass + transferredmass
- transferredmass
- This is the mass transferred from deformable nodes to rigid materials. This includes lumped mass transfer from rigid or deformable nodes to the rigid materials.
Radioss Specific Data Names
The following data names are only available for Radioss, or have specific behavior for Radioss.
- distributedmass
- This is the mass distributed from rigid bodies to free nodes.
- engineeringmass
- Corresponds to structuralmass + lumpedmass - transferredmass.
- lumpedmass
- The summed lumped mass.
- rigidbodymass
- The rigid bodies mass. This is the mass transferred from deformable nodes to rigid bodies. This includes the mass transfer of the lumped mass defined on deformable elements of the rigid body.
- solvertpartmass
- The mass given by the solver.
- totalmass
- Corresponds to distributedmass + lumpedmass + rigidbodymass + structuralmass
Version History
2019 – Added new data names festyle and geomstyle. Support added for Radioss to distributedmass, engineeringmass, lumpedmass, rigidbodymass, solvertpartmass and totalmass.